I have linked mother's Family Tree DNA account with processed results (tried twice) and observe "You have linked your account with Family Tree DNA and we are currently awaiting test results for <....>. Try again" message instead of results.
J M The problem seems to be in larger scale, as I have heard many people complaining same problem and tried to connect my own Family Tree DNA data with Geni.
Was not able to link my own Family Tree DNA data to Geni either. -
Bjørn P. Brox Try again from the FTDNA side, - from her kit-number https://www.familytreedna.com/my/partner-applications
If there is a disconnect option, do that first. -
Oleg Barbashov, Ph.D. Bjørn, I have tried your receipt but there is no difference. Thanks anyway.
Is there any workaround? May I just upload the raw data? -
Simo Pietilä I have the same problem. Tried yesterday twice to connect my FTDNA data to Geni with no result.
Richard Holmes I also have had no success getting yDNA results from my FTDNA account.
Simo Pietilä Geni support contacted me today and asked to try again disconnecting and reconnecting. This time it worked and I got hundreds of DNA-matches in Geni.
Oleg Barbashov, Ph.D. My issue has also been fixed by support team.