I have added the wrong husband to one of my ancestors, he was married to another woman with the same first name. I can't delete him as he belongs in the tree and other members have him. I don't want to add his real wife until I can get rid of this false marriage. How do I do that?
Jeff, Geni Curator Dianne, please post a link to the profile so I can help in disconnecting.
Camila Serna Quinto I need help too.
I've never marriage. But in my profile is showing like I already did.
Dianne Elizabeth Ashworth Hi Jeff-
John Hill is married to Elizabeth Arnott Hill and Charles Hill is married to Elizabeth Wright Hill. I put both men as husband to Elizabeth "Eliza" Wright Hill. Elizabeth Arnott and a John Hill (there are a few) are the parents of Moses A. Hill & siblings.
Thanks for your help.
Jeff, Geni Curator Dianne, I've made the change.
Dianne Elizabeth Ashworth Thanks, Jeff, much appreciated.
Debra Lee Taylor I too need help on how to delete marriage. Somehow I’ve got a mother not only married to her actual spouse but also to one of her sons.
Jeff, Geni Curator Debra, if you want to provide a link to the profile or tell me who it is and the proper relationship, I can make the change.
Thomas Evensson Oh great! I'd like to remove a "marriage" as well: https://www.geni.com/people/Anna-Margareta-Westberg/6000000048948115951?from_flash=1&fsession_id=1532885492397&through=6000000045994809040
She was never married to Hilda, just Johan! :D Someone has messed it up from the outside.
Thanx, Thomas
Thomas Evensson And almost the same thing here:
Someone has given poor Ester 4 parents... Kjerstin and Axel are her inlaws.
Jeff, Geni Curator Camila, I disconnected you.
Lawrence Mathew Milward-Bridges Hi, I need to delete:
as I added her in error.
Charles Howell Hello Dr. J.
I see that you are asking to remove David Young's wife Hannah Eastman
What is, if any, your connection to this David?
C.L.Howell -
Jo Østvold I have the same problem in my tree:
He was never married to Marte Snipen, that was Reidar Eugen Snipen.
Jeff, Geni Curator Jo Østvold, disconnected the incorrect realtionship.
Jo Østvold Thank you very much ! 🙂
Lawrence Mathew Milward-Bridges Hi, I need to delete: https://www.geni.com/people/Jemima-Bridges/6000000104796505907
as I added her in error.
Niels Lundbye-Christensen Hi. I need to change a marriage. One of my Geni-friende registrated a marriage to the wrong person for an ancestor. The ancestor is this man: https://www.geni.com/people/Pierre-Duvinage/6000000135274920937. He is married to the wrong Marie Devantier in GENI.
He should be married to this one: https://www.geni.com/people/Marie-Duvinage/6000000038323037280?through=6000000038323372209 instead. Hope you will help us!
Amr Aldaiel Appreciate if you could delete the marriage link with profile https://www.geni.com/family-tree/canvas/6000000008519536587
Kieran Carson Hi, could someone help me delete my ex-partner or at least dissociate them from my tree, Thanks, Kieran
Lisa Marie Therrien Okay, long story short. Merge Error on June 3, 2010. Been trying to delete wrong tree. Please help me remove https://www.geni.com/people/Theresa-Smith/6000000008951053177?through=6000000005960342114 and her father (NO Name).
I've tried everything!
PG Hi, will you please help delete the wrongful marriage? The person in the linked profile never married, I already added his brother as the correct person who married Maria Elizabeth. Please remove the marriage with https://www.geni.com/people/Johan-Kok-SV2b4/5696662026040061945
Joe Lifland I merged this person thinking I would merge the husband, but they weren't the same person. I want Itta Gruer to be just married to Yaakov Magram and NOT Yankel Magram. Yankel Magram died as a young boy.
Martha Louisa (Marthie) (Strydom) Hello, I need help please, the wrong wife has been added to https://www.geni.com/people/Jacobus-Van-Zyl/6000000087852829858?through=6000000007456743061 he was never married to Zacharia Geertruy van Zyl. Rabe (Geldenhuys). I try and try
Nuno Silva Hi.
I also need a husband disconnected. It was wrongly connected by myself but (strangely) I cannot disconnect it now :(
Михаил Кодесс Hello,
I need to remove a number of incorrectly added marriages:
1) A. Tortaglia
is only married to
and nobody else.
2) Accordinly all of Mr. Tortaglia's other "marriages" need to be removed: those with
and also with
3) Is there no way to do this without the help of Geni's curators? Can't I remove my own marriages?
Zach Hoffert If your still able could you remove the marriage between Mato Salovic and Anna? I attached the link below
Job Waterreus If you need help with correcting relations please post in ATTENTION Curators, please assist. (give a link to the profile there)
Dr. J Please delete the marriage between Hannah Eastman (1745-1754) and David Young (1773-1865). Here's a link to Hannah: https://www.geni.com/people/Hannah/6000000001357385888?through=6000000001357413538
David Young is no longer connected by marriage to this Hannah Eastman.