Relationship Error: "the father of my 8th gr.gr.mother should be my 9th gr.gr.father but is my 9th gr.gr.uncle !

My 8th gr.mother


Her father is:


who is not my 9th grandfather, he matches the conditions as my 9th great uncle.  The reason for this is the fact he has a brother https://www.geni.com/people/Geerit-van-Nieuwenhuijsen/6000000057247113201 which at the shortest path already is assigned the status '8th grandfather of me. 

Geni programmers have to realise that :

* more than 1 gr.grandparent in a family results in assigning one of them as gr.grand parents, from which results that the rest not matching the criterium, gets automatically the status of gr. uncle/aunt and 1 step further back in time the father is assigned the gr.parent status.

* a conflict that arises must ring alarm bells by texting that no match is being made and because of that is automatically reported to you , whereas the user gets a ' failure message' when it should happen. When the daughter in this case is my 8th gr.gr.m., her father must also be my 9th gr. father ! In this case he's calculated my gr. gr.uncle and his father https://www.geni.com/people/Jan-van-Nieuwenhuijsen/6000000082040551339 is already assigned the gr.gr.father status by being the brothers Geert Janse's father(9th gr.gr.f) 

Please be sure that a extra condition within the condition string is built in ! I'm missing thousands of forefathers behind them back in time ! Only because I know this bug exists, I can trace them through Geert Janse when he's a full brother. In case he would be  a half  brother I presume I'm missing half of the couples forefathers/m (more than a million for sure in ±20 generations I suppose??!)

Greetings, René van Oeveren



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