Kim Roering My guess is that there are a lot more profiles than those referred to by Juri Ahlfors that have not received any new DNA-matches in Geni since 12.2.2021. I manage two profiles, my and my mothers, and neither of these profiles have received new DNA-matches since 12.2.2021. I happen to know that our match with a common relative shows in his Geni profile, but not in ours. I hope this issue will be resolved soon.
Татьяна Андреева Скородумова Yo tampoco he recibido nuevas coincidencias de ADN en Geni . Y no puedo pasar nuevos datos de mtDNA de FTDNA a Geni.
C. Am also affected. I wonder how such a thing is possible. Have you guys tried de-coupling your account and then re-linking it?
Robin Blitzblum I’m also affected and live in The Netherlands.
best, Robin
Juri Ahlfors Answer to C: yes, I did de-coupling. Now I have no ff nor mtDNA-data in Geni, lost all matches and mtDNA-ancestor info. And not able to re-link.
Sandra Petraitytė We are not able to transfer dna from ftdna to geni. There is aproblem and nobody fixed it. Thats way you cant get matches also.
Geni Support Team Hi everyone, we are aware of the issue connecting to FamilyTreeDNA and have reached out to them regarding the problem. We'll let you know once we have an update.
We're very sorry for the inconvenience and appreciate your patience while we work on getting this fixed.
Diane Curtis Have there been any updates to this? Has it been fixed yet? Thanks.
Kim Roering 3 months have passed. Rumours believe the problem is not technical but bussiness related, i.e. involved parties cannot agree on whatever. Whatever the reason in the eyes of those who wait for a solution the reputation of both Geni and FTDNA suffers. Regrettable.☹️
Judy Geva I found this post since I posted the same question. What are we paying for? Are we going to receive answers?
Sandra Petraitytė Dna transfer was free, sonnobody actually cares
Geni Support Team Hi all, we apologize for the long wait on a fix and understand your frustration. We received an update from FTDNA last week about the issue and we are hopeful they will have it resolved soon.
Geni Support Team Hi everyone,
We are pleased to announce that the integration between FamilyTreeDNA and Geni has been restored.
We thank you for your patience and apologize for the delay in getting this feature restored. If you don't yet have your FTDNA kit linked to Geni, you may do so now by following the instructions at https://help.geni.com/hc/en-us/articles/229707687-How-do-I-link-Family-Tree-DNA-test-results-to-my-profile-
If you've already linked your DNA kit to Geni and wish to update your results, you must first disconnect Geni from FTDNA and then you can reconnect your accounts. Instructions for updating your DNA results are at https://help.geni.com/hc/en-us/articles/115005316387-How-do-I-update-my-Family-Tree-DNA-test-results-on-my-profile-
If you encounter any difficulties please post to the discussion at https://www.geni.com/discussions/157595 and we will be happy to assist you.