Geni Support Team Hi Jolanta, we are currently investigating an issue on Android mobile devices that causes the page to freeze when adding new profile details in the tree. Is that what is happing on your iPhone as well?
Geni Support Team Thanks for the additional details. We're not able to replicate the issue on an iPhone. Are you using the latest version of Safari? Have you tried a different browser on your phone?
Jolanta Vimba-Krievāne Yes, it is the latest version, a completely new upgrade and completely new iphone 13 pro max. I also tried to download other browser (Chrome), but still not able to add anything. Re-starter iphone - still the same. Even logged in and out several times, but still nothing. Could you please help? I am travelling soon in connection with geneology research and I find it convenient if I can update the tree on the spot with my iphone or my android tablet. Now, it does not work with both...
Geni Support Team Thanks for the additional information. We have forwarded it to our engineers to further investigate the issue and will let you know as soon as we have an update.
As a work around, you can go to a profile page and add relatives from there. Below the About section, there is the Immediate Family module. Tap "Add Family" to add a new relative to the tree.
Job Waterreus Does changing the zoom level in tree view help?
Geni Support Team Hi Jolanta, it seems the desktop version of the tree is showing on the iPhone 13 Pro Max instead of the mobile version. We are looking into fixing this and will let you know as soon as there is an update.
Geni Support Team Hi, we pushed some fixes for the larger mobile screens. Can you please check the tree again and let us know if you still have any issues?
Geni Support Team That is because you are seeing the mobile version of the tree. You can tap on a node to open the profile panel, then click "Add" to add relatives to the tree.
Jolanta Vimba-Krievāne Hi! I guess that is similar to how I would also describe the issue. My issue is that I cannot even add anything - I can view the tree, but when I try to click on any of the profiles (to view it in more details or to edit or add a new family member (so the + button), the tree does not respond at all. Could it be settings? Because before I was able to add more family members/ and edit/view profiles on both my android tablet and iphone (via Safari).
Jolanta Vimba-Krievāne No, when zooming in, the tree still does not let me add or view or edit. Even the bottom “navigate” hovers over to the zoomed-in section.
Jolanta Vimba-Krievāne I can view and edit profiles, but the + (add) button is gone..