Prof. Nina Ivanovna Kotova I need to reload the family tree. When uploading, it got assigned to a different person, thus, all the names and dates got mixed up. thank you
Prof. Nina Ivanovna Kotova I need to delete the tree and upload it again, assigning myself as the main person.
The website stops me from doing that by showing the message to resolve matches and pay for the service.
I'm not planning to pay for it now.
I need to delete the family tree and upload it again.
Ethan David Whitted This forum for is for feature requests to upgrades on the Geni platform. If you need technical support from Geni, please submit a support ticket with them: https://www.geni.com/help/newticket
Geni Support Team Hi Ivan, you can simply undo the import. Please see our FAQ on how to undo your GEDCOM import: https://help.geni.com/hc/en-us/articles/360018818713-Can-I-undo-a-GEDCOM-import-