No problem. Just want to upload a GEDCOM file instead of doing indigidual entries on the Tree
Pam Wilson, Curator -
Heather (Fachet) Bond Gedcom imports have been temporarily suspended. They should resume within a month or three. They were causing MAJOR problems, with people uploading the same COMMON ancestors over and over again.
In the mean time, search Geni for the names of some of your ancestors, you'll be surprised how many of them are already here. So instead of adding them all over again just add the much smaller parts of the tree that are closest to you, and ask to connect up with these shared ancestor. Geni IS, after all, a shared tree.
Geni Support Team Please refer to our FAQ's: Has your GEDCOM importer been disabled?
William Charles Peddicord, Koehler Today is Dec 2, 2011. What happened to "Gedcom imports have been temporarily suspended. They should resume within a month or three." as posted here?
James H. Gross i see the gedcom import option is still not available. that is a shame. like many others, i do not want to add my names by hand...
Ben Luberti It is my own family tree and I am the owner, so get me the tools to import new entries from my computer. I hate doing things twice.