there are a lot of problems. i just need the entire tree shut down. I tried deleting everybody individually, but some people claimed their accounts and the rest of their (immediate) families cannot be deleted. Everybody wants to shut down the tree. I started the whole thing so I should be able to do it, right? Can someone tell me how?
Annie Lambie What a total shambles this site is I am sorry I usually an not so rude but I am so angry, anyone it seems can manage my tree and when I have tried to fix it all I seem to have done is make it worse. It is ridiculous that the control of your tree is taken out of your hands. I am leaving this site as I see I cannot even delete it but the looks of things and will never come back.
Jeff, Geni Curator Sorry, I don't have the ability to delete a profile of someone that has joined Geni.
Kids Smith I've been a very long-term user. But with Ancestry's decision to stop supporting Family Tree Maker, I am finally starting to seriously looki at other genealogy sites.
I have not spent any real time on because there seem to be uncorrectable errors in my tree. In addition, it is incorrectly linked to other people. If I can't fix this, is a non-starter. My preference would be to completely delete this current tree and replace it, using my most current Gedcom.
Do I have any options? -
lynne gondolf gill my tree is not shared, just started it and somehow my father is listed as being the child of my mother, i tried deleting my father but it says he is a member, impossible since he has been dead since 1998
Jeff, Geni Curator Lynne, it was something you could have fixed but it would take a lot longer to step you through it than to just fix it. :) -
GAfonso Hello. Can I request removal of my current tree? I can’t see an option online to just shut it down. There’s no other members. I’m working on another version that should be ready in a couple of months, so once it is ready I’ll import here but for now I need to remove all data at once instead of going one by one. Thank you.
Jeff, Geni Curator You can't delete a shared tree. We can try to fix it though... just let me know where the issues are and I'll help get it right.
RAMAMAMAMAM JAJAJAJJA ok. Can you delete everybody in the tree?
Jeff, Geni Curator We could delete each profile that is not claimed, but it seems it would be easier to correct info and only delete as needed. I could easily disconnect someone and reconnect them in the correct place. Your tree is tiny and should be easy to fix.
RAMAMAMAMAM JAJAJAJJA Ok, there are some people who are "claimed" but in reality, they haven't claimed their profiles. Could you delete them please?
RAMAMAMAMAM JAJAJAJJA Alright then. It's alright. Forget it. Thank you for your help though.
Henriette Franciska Kiil Hey Jeff, I would really like to get my family tree deleted - all the profiles that are not claimed. Is that something you could help me with ?
Jeff, Geni Curator Henriette, no sorry - since the tree has other members, deleting profiles would probably be considered vandalizing their tree. It is now a shared tree. As described in Geni's terms of service:
"If, however, you invite other Members to share your family tree on the Service, or agree to merge your family tree with another Member's family tree on the Service (in either case, a "Shared Family Tree"), then you agree that you will not delete Content in the Shared Family Tree except to correct inaccurate or offensive data."
If you close your account, your profile will be private and any managed profiles will be shifted to the closest active family member.
Henriette Franciska Kiil Hi Jeff, Thanks for the answer. I have problems deleting some specific people from my tree and then delete my account.
Judy Cash I tried to add my daughter and it put her as my wife...I can't figure out how to delete her. Can this tree just be deleted? I am so frustrated! -
Jeff, Geni Curator Judy, I'd be happy to help you fix your tree or explain how to fix it, but I can't seem to find your profile to send you a private message. You can send me one from here or you can post your profile address. Alternatively, if you haven't invited anyone to your tree or merged your tree, then you should just be able to close your account, which will delete your tree.
Henriette Franciska Kiil I really need help to delete some people from my family tree, i cannot dele them on my own. Can any one help me??
Elizabeth Bolt I went to go delete my grandma's profile because it added her as my dads wife and not his mom, but its saying that she claimed herself.... My grandma has been dead for 14 years so there is no way she claimed herself.
Jeff, Geni Curator Elizabeth, is this still a problem. I don't see an additional profile attached to your father, claimed or otherwise. And I don't see an issue with your grandmother. But maybe I'm looking at the wrong Elizabeth Bold. Could you specify the name of the profile that is giving you a problem.
David Alan Kanne My previous wife passed away and more of my tree is her family. I've now remarried and would like to have only my current wife's family and mine in my tree. I'd like to delete all of my current tree and start all over again. Can this be done?
Jeff, Geni Curator David, that can be done, but the goal of Geni is a single world tree. I'd hate to break an accurate connection. We'd much rather have you continue with your existing tree, adding your current wife and building from there as we want to preserve the genealogical relationships (current and past), especially if you had any children with your former wife. But since this primarily only effects you, I can break that connect if you still wish to do so.
Michael Robert Foskett Please help delete my entire tree from Geni
Raymond A Madison Sr I would like to delete the entire tree and close my account.
Jeff, Geni Curator Raymond, you can close your account here:
However, since your tree contains many other Geni members (several recently active) and is thus a "shared tree", it can not be deleted when you close your account. Your other family members will be able to continue building onto and participating in the family tree. If each member in your tree were to close their account, the tree would be deleted after the last member closed their account. If you have a problem that needs to be fixed or help setting privacy options, I'd be happy to help.
Michael, your tree is also a shared tree, but is also a member of the world tree with some duplicates. I've tried to clean it up some, if your issue is the duplication and conflicts - that is easily fixed.
Henriette, not sure if I helped you in a private message, but if you want to state the profile, here or in a private message, that needs to be deleted and the reason, I can look at it.
Llewellyn (Llew) Claude Chase In posting my tree I missed a generation and have been unable to correct the error also a tree that I merged some data to mine, brought with it some glaring errors. I would rebuild it all over if I could. As it is now, it is inaccurate and of little use to anyone?
Steven Sibley I need help deleting my tree. I have several family members who are quite angry with me because they are getting birthday notices for people who have passed away. But I can't delete the people myself. I have to get them off of here as they don't want their families info available. This is a ridiculous customer experience! Need help ASAP
Karin Corbeil OK. I'm starting over from scratch with a new account after being unable to delete my tree. Where do I go to upload a gedcom? I'm not about to sit here and enter over 1,000 people. If there is no way to upload a gedcom.....sorry, but I will be deleting this new account too. I really wanted to do the DNA upload with FTDNA.
Jeff, Geni Curator Karin, there is no GEDCOM upload because Geni is a collaborative world tree. Creating a new account would not help as your old tree would just get merged into your new tree. If there is an error in your old tree, we can fix that. Likely you won't have to enter that many to get connected to existing branches of your ancestry. This is what makes the DNA feature so great on Geni - since it's a world tree, we can really help connect branches and identify errors. -
Karin Corbeil Thank you very much for your prompt reply. One other question. If I make my tree profiles public, can anyone go in and make changes or adjustments? I had an issue with my tree at
I am descended from the first wife of my 5th great grandfather who were only married for one year before she died. Their one child was my 4th great grandfather. Others at FamilySearch kept changing it in the collaborative tree to his 2nd wife and it got to be rather tedious. I worked very hard getting the correct paper trail and have DNA evidence that connects me to the first wife. Is the only avenue to avoid this is to keep everything private? Or is this something I do not need to be concerned about?
Jeff, Geni Curator Lynne, I've tried to fix the placement of your mother and disconnected the parent relationship between your father.
Karin, only other managers would be able to change the relationship, but we can put a curator note on the top of the profile to help define the proper relationship.