I would like to upload my gedcom file, I have created with FamilyTreeMaker - is it possible? It will take me too long time to add 6000 people to my tree here. It is 1,94 MB. If it is possiple, please tell me how!
I would like to upload my gedcom file, I have created with FamilyTreeMaker - is it possible? It will take me too long time to add 6000 people to my tree here. It is 1,94 MB. If it is possiple, please tell me how!
I would also like to upload gedcom
Inside scoop, Geni is planning to turn on GEDCOM importing again, but in an intelligent way as to carefully avoid duplication. Stay tuned :)
I have just uploaded succesful my gedcom to "My Heritage" - free. ( Over 2000 persons) It seems to work fine.
Perhaps you should try that. I cannot find out why Geni does'ent work.
Good luck - Ingelise
My Heritage is going to be a better option for uploading your own personal tree. Geni is a shared world tree built on collaboration and all duplicates have to be resolved. So uploading a 6000 tree ends up creating tons of work, because it's likely 5500 of them are duplicates of profiles that already exist on Geni. If you start adding profiles, it wouldn't be long before you found duplicates to merge into the existing tree. So it depends on what you want. Geni is trying to create the largest and most accurate world tree (your tree plugs into the existing world tree), where My Heritage is your own personal isolated tree similar to Ancestry. Since My Heritage owns Geni, eventually there may be a cross solution where you can upload a GEDCOM in My Heritage and only bring over parts of it to Geni, but that's probably a couple years off.
Thank you for the quick answer and explanation, Jeff Gentles.
Best wishes Ingelise
OK - I wait patiently.
Merry Christmas
I've gor about 5000 in a GEDCOM file. Won't add them one by one!
I think I will find another one then THIS one.
Heard good things about Geni.com, but this lack of ability to put my gedcom up in a way that I can match my existing tree that has taken years to build to what exists ... well that's a hard stop for me. I don't have the time or need to redo all the work I've already done. Here's a hint, if I have to enter each name by hand to find out if the Geni.com tree has additional info for me it's not a realistic source other then for select individuals.
A great idea poorly executed. In it's current state geni.com is a worthless good idea. Very, very disappointing to learn of the lack of a way to match my tree ... oh well back to other sites that aren't as cumbersome and antiquated in how they require trees to be built. I mean come on start from scratch on a tree with over 5,000 individuals just to see if Geni.com might match ... an option to upload an individual tree that you then confirm matches on would not be that hard to create, but geni's been working on this for several years and it still doesn't exist ... LMFAO at the incompetence.