thats my question :)
Shar Senor Carlyle A pop up says to confirm with DNA. Like others here I already completed FTDNA test and 23andme. What will it take to be able to upload the raw data to Geni? What are the obstacles to this being completed? It's Jan. 28, 2017.
Jeff, Geni Curator Not yet... stay tuned. :)
Димитър Маргаритов Клатуров kk thanks :D
Leigh Michelle Cagilaba I have the same question - would love for Geni to address this.
CURTIS BARD I have the same question.
Tomi Moshe Salamon Where can I found the offer for limited time you announced by e-mails?
Jeff, Geni Curator Here are the male tests:
I think all the tests that include Family Finder are on special.
Valentine Smirnyagin What is the point of advertising ftDNA tests via Geni, if we can't add the tests we already made with Ftdna to Geni?? -
Arquimedes Aram Salinas Ramírez It would be so good to be able to import result from the Family Tree DNA to this site.
CURTIS BARD I think they will eventually allow transfer of results to the Geni site, and show it on our charts (I like the idea of a RED LINE that would connect all people who have DNA matches).
I just wish GENI would comment on this and put our minds at ease about what & when they expect these changes / features to be implemented. -
Ryan Gallagher I have my DNA through would there be a way to link to the results? Or manually add the data to The test was $299 so I would hate to have to duplicate this.
Lo The results of these tests ordered thru Geni are going to be on the FamilyTreeDNA database, not on a Geni Database.
23andMe results can be transferred to FamilyTreeDNA (for a fee).
Amund Nedland Two years have passed, any news?
Amund Nedland Any news or progress?
Pamela Jacobs-leyden I have already tested with familytreedna and I can't seem to figure out how to import it to geni.
Antti K.erola ditto :)
Thank you! -
Paul Pikowsky I came to Geni because of what looked like their superior database. I thought that if I purchased Y-DNA test through Geni, I would have access to their database. I purchased the Y-DNA test from FTDNA, but it was Geni who sent me to FTDNA and I assumed that I would be able to use my Y-DNA at Geni's database. But the link in the FAQs that send you to FTDNA to make the transfer do not work and I don't see any links at FTDNA to make that possible.
Not only that, but I long ago transfered my autosomal DNA to FTDNA from 23andMe and it still hasn't shown up in Geni even though I linked the accounts back then. I assumed that since I had already linked the two accounts, the Y-DNA would just show up automatically. But it hasn't. I am beginning to wonder what is going on.