How can I contact GENI team via direct e-mail or by phone?
Gladys Foley I have want to add ancestors to my tree but another person called Melissa Lee Draper as added by keeps cropping up. I have additional information Harriet Amy BUTTI who married George P Broad she has him listed as private. so when I try to put the information on my tree I am prevented from doing so because I am switched over to her site.
Gladys Foley I am sorry for the mistakes on the message I should have checked before pressing the button.
Gladys Foley why has my profile become private when I voted to be public and why can I no longer get my family tree when I log on with internet explorer because I don't have a flash player ? if I log on with windows 10 I can get my tree but I cant write the place of birth and death. when I do write them they become deleted.
Gladys Foley why has my profile become private when I voted to be public and why can I no longer get my family tree when I log on with internet explorer because I don't have a flash player ? if I log on with windows 10 I can get my tree but I cant write the place of birth and death. when I do write them they become deleted.
Barry H Stein How can I remove old email addresses????
Jeff, Geni Curator Barry, here is the FAQ on changing your email.
Gladys, you should be able to set your privacy settings here:
As for your browser, you could try Chrome or Firefox. But here are some pages to help configure your browser for Flash.
Deborah A Dunlap How do I un-invite a relative. Actually I just want to remove her access to my tree. It has already been merged with others that I DID NOT want merged. I wanted my immediate family only. I want to remove Cynthia Lynn Dunlap Sager from my GENI tree.
Jeff, Geni Curator Deborah, there is an option to block users which should attempt to limit access.
Geni is a shared collaborative tree - so you're really asking to remove her from our tree, not my tree. There are other sites that are much better suited for a silo tree with full control - Geni's parent company MyHeritage uses that model. The shared platform is not for everyone, though it does provide some great advantages.
Eva Maria de Souza Hello, I created my tree hoping that I would be the administrator of everyone! At least for the ones I created. I understand that others can go on adding other families, etc! The problem I see now is that some of my members created by me are dead, and I cannot add the death date, local etc. Some others can't remember their login, others can't remember their email address. Can I have the administrator rights on every member I created to organize the tree? Can you remove the private permissions they turned on? Can I force to be the administrator for all existing members in my tree? The ones I created? Thank you. Eva de Souza
Jeff, Geni Curator Eva, if the person is a Geni member but is now deceased, you can report it to Geni so that it can be turned over to you.
If they can't remember their password, they can reset it.
If they can't remember their email, curators can clear it so you can put a new one in.
Mette Holm I tried to delete a man, Jürgen ..... that was called my 4th gret gran, which wasn´t true.
I deleted him from the family tree in order to reconnect him, if I found his right place. From then on, names, I search relate to HIM - not me!
Example: Jürgen ........ Jens Hansen. How are you related?
I can´t get my own name back in the search.
I suppose, I made a mess of it by trying to delete him.
How do I correct it, so I can search normally again?
Dara Boyd My first account was closed and I can't access it but since making a new account, I can see my old account's family tree. How do I get access to my former family tree that I worked so hard on? I don't have any family members to reinvite me back. I just want my previous tree back, so I don't have to start completely over.
George Arthur Weinstock I want to remove a name from my tree. The person is not a member of the family and I have no idea who she is. Her two daughters were also listed but I removed them by clicking the x on their box - when I went to click the x on the mother's box it would not let me and it said she has to do it. She tried and can't.
This woman is listed as my daughter - she IS NOT my daughter - how did she get onto my tree and how do I get her off.
Why is it impossible to email Geni to discuss this matter - are they in hiding?
Walter Elza Dykens (1941-1995) Customer Service Telephone?
Vipi Meredith Re: the entry for John Wynn-Aubrey MEREDITH, born Sydney 17/4/16.
the ‘wife’ published name is incorrect. I was John’s wife at the time of his death in New Zealand, and we had been married for many years.
i was his third wife, Ms Sitwell, his first!Vipi Meredith
Douglas Alan Beezley I am not a member of Geni and don't come here often. I took a look at my family which was entered by my second cousin. I need to correct the gender of my child. Originally a female is transgendered to male. I have updated all the information including name and photo, but need to change the gender to male. Please advise.
Doug Beezley
Boris Petrikovsky Hi Jeff,
I am having some issues with my Geni account. I had spent a lot of time creating my tree and when I logged in a week later half of the people I have added to my tree were gone. I have double checked that I am logged in to the right account and want to make sure that when I continue making my tree I don't lose the information. Please advise, thanks
Josie Myatt Hi Jeff.
Because I couldn't contact you I've missed out on the discount for a full 12 months at 40% discount for full access to your web site.
You were offering a full year of MyHeritage which I already have and I wanted to know if you would give me a bit more of a discount because of this.
Now the time is up on 31st July.
I don't think I will be using your website again when you have to write where everyone can see what you want to talk about.
At least with other companies they advertise their email address and phone number so you can ask you question in private
Very unsatisfied
Josie Myatt
Leanne M (Volunteer Curator - Australia) 🇦🇺 FYI Jeff is a volunteer curator - he is not employed by Geni so would be unable to offer anyone any form of a discount.
If you have a Pro Geni Membership - you can click on the "Help" icon on the bottom of every Geni Page and click on "Submit a Ticket" which raises a support call which goes to Geni directly.
An easy way you could contact Geni is to click on the "Help" icon on the bottom of every Geni Page and enter the search criteria "Contact Geni" and the very first help that comes up is titled "How do I contact Geni about my subscription?" and this gives you an email address to contact Geni directly about your subscription.
Just a note - you have given your name and email address to any Geni user who accesses this discussion - not sure that was what you intended.
Geni Support Team Josie, any questions regarding Geni subscriptions should be emailed directly to .
You can find this information in our FAQ:
How do I contact Geni about my subscription?
Liv Karin Dahle, Geni Pro How can I contact GENI team direct by email or by phone
Liv Karin Dahle
Geni pro