Few years ago I added a family member's e-mail address which is wrong. Now it's the only data that I cannot change. I also cannot add any other e-mail address to this person's profile. How to fix it? I cannot believe that once you add an address, it stays forever, keeping the real person out of Geni.
Maciej Łukasz Szylke Thank you very much for the answer! How to do this? Provide it here or send thru email?
Jeff, Geni Curator You can provide it here or send me a private message through Geni. -
Maciej Łukasz Szylke Thank you! How to do this? I mean how to send PM? I cannot find any link to your profile, just a photo and "Geni Curator Team" name.
Jeff, Geni Curator Oh, sorry, I thought it had my name when logged in. Just post the link here. -
Maciej Łukasz Szylke I'm sorry, I was out for a week.
Please reset these two emails:
Thank you in advance! -
Jeff, Geni Curator I removed Alicja's email, so you should now be able to reinvite her. Elzbieta appears to be active and last logged into Geni in January 2016, so I'll decline to remove that one. If she wants to update her email address, she can follow these instructions. http://help.geni.com/entries/432044-How-do-I-update-the-email-address-on-my-Geni-account-
Дмитрий Николаевич Кузнецов Hi Jeff,
I faced the same issue with one of my family members - could you help me too, please?
Carole Tanner (Corombos) Hi,
Please delete my husband's e-mail address. John Clinton Tanner II, married to Carole Tanner (Corombos). It does not look like ANY of his previous e-mail addresses, for work or for home.
Thank you.
Carole Tanner (847-295-2469
Carole Tanner (Corombos) Another question. I would like to add my mother-in-law's DNA, although she has now passed away. How can I get to the link to do that? I hope to find a link to her New Zealand cousins!
And I can add my husband's DNA results, but again, there is no direction to do that.
Thank you again,
Carole Tanner 847-295-2469
MIL: Margaret Elizabeth Tanner ( 1915-2007) Mother to John, Russ and Chris
Дмитрий Николаевич Кузнецов Hi Jeff,
Please reset the e-mail for my daughter:
Thank you
Евгений Васильевич Плешивцев Hi Jeff,
Please reset the e-mail for my wife:
Thank you Jevgeny
Александр Пинхосович Шифман Hi Jeff,
Please reset the e-mail for my sister:
Alexander Shifman -
Troy J Simoni I see a lot of people are experiencing the exact same problems with Geni that I'm facing. Problem 1: people in my family tree have died since being added, and now it seems nearly impossible to add a date of death. Problem 2: when I created the family tree, I did not enter the correct email addresses for some people (either because they were children and so I used my own email address for them, or some other reason). Why does Geni make it so difficult to make basic edits like these? I can understand putting in safety measures so we do not accidentally edit something we should not, but in these cases I'm talking about people that I personally have added to my family tree. The lack of concern for the user experience basics like this is surprising. Geni's users should not have to go onto a forum and ask a "Geni Curator" just to accomplish everyday basics like these. Seems like 20th century UX. Now that I've given my honest feedback, can a "Geni Curator" help with these requirements please?
Arvind Jairam Hi Jeff,
Can you please remove the email address for my great uncle, who is deceased:
https://www.geni.com/people/M-R-Parameswaran/5140345026750138360Thank you,
Arvind -
Jeff, Geni Curator If you provide a link to the family member, a curator can reset the field.