I have twin sisters in my tree, is there a way to see they are twins except by seeing the same exact birth date?
Natalija Urlić I think that the profiles of the twins should have different marks from the other profiles.For example; our area is famous in Cratia with lot of number of twins and it would be interesting to see.
Philip James Decker, Ͼ This came up multiple times in the Forum over the last four years, getting little traction and no action.
Yannick: Note that twins born circa midnight can have different birth dates.
Genetically, fraternal twins are no different than ordinary siblings. They just happened to occupy a uterus at the same time. Moreover, they too can have different fathers.
Identical twins are genetically more remarkable, and might merit an identifying attribute.
Samantha Carlin Yes, I'm a twin and would love for this to be reflected somehow. Is there a way? Please, Geni! Thanks!
Kalle Jürgenson I think that it's not a genetic problem. It's cultural problem and can be informative to know.
Kalle Jürgenson Same problem like twins is how to mark the adopted child in tree?
David Prins How about a famous twins project?
Eldon Clark (Geni volunteer curator) Put Twin in the suffix field. It will show up on the profile and in matches or merge issues and you can get as creative as you want with any cultural issues
Dan Cornett FYI: Historically, there is not really any means to know if twins are identical; only with modern genetic profiling can one tell if the same-gender "twins" are identical or not. So, I would NOT support any special tagging of "identical" twins -- too often they are just look-alike siblings.
But it would be o.k. to have a flag or even a "twin relationship" mechanism ... which should, by the way, allow multiples (triples, quads, etc.).
Job Waterreus A twin indication could help with an automatic check on the likelihood of a given date of birth. When not twins (or triplets, ...) a birth of two children of the same mother within 10 months is very unlikely. For twins being born more than 1 day apart is also unlike. Geni could use this information to give a warning for an unlikely date.
Job Waterreus A twin indication could help with an automatic check on the likelihood of a given date of birth. When not twins (or triplets, ...) a birth of two children of the same mother within 10 months is very unlikely. For twins being born more than 1 day apart is also unlike. Geni could use this information to give a warning for an unlikely date.
Mark Harry Schwartz Here is how I do it. Go to "edit". In the display name field write something like this: John (Mary's twin) Jones. Because they are boy and girl twins, I have uploaded the same picture them together for both records (they are so cute!!). You can do the same for same gender twins, and either upload a single pic, or both together, whatever you choose. The geni record at the top will say, "John (Mary's twin) Jones.
Sivakumar V This is a much needed requirement!
Mark Harry Schwartz To be quite honest, my suggestion works very well, so I repeat. When you go to the tree, the displays are "John (Mary's twin) Jones, and on Mary's record it says obviously "Mary (John's twin) Jones. Be sure to go to"edit" for this and type this information in the filed which says "Display". It will show up on the tree rectangles and at the top of the individual records. I repeat, upload the same (or different!) pictures of them together in both records. I found this to be a very simple solution, and my family is quite pleased with this. Quite frankly, I think we have much larger issues on how to do things with geni. Best of luck everyone and enjoy your hobby!