Hello, I started an account yesterday, confirmed my email, and found my relatives. I used your internal messaging system to reach out the managers of the family history or whatever letting them know who I am and everything. When I went to log in today, I have no account? I have the emails from yesterday from you that show the process of me setting up my account and confirming everything. Is it a system issue and my account can be recovered so I can see if they respond or did they just block me or ban me because they don't want to know me or whatever? Probably the latter. I've never had family so, I'm not sure why I even looked in the first place. I was just curious if you could help me understand what happened. The email I used to setup the account yesterday is the same one I used to setup a new one today to send you this request. benjaminnelson1@outlook.com. Thanks. Have a great day.
Geni Support Team Hi Benjamin, thanks for reaching out. I see your account is still active. Can you please provide more details on why you believe your account no longer exists? Did you receive an error message?
Benjamin Nelson The account you see is the account I started the next day when I went to login to see if any of my relatives responded and the website stated there was no account associated with my email. Keep in mind, the email was correct for the first account as I was required to verify my email address to move forward with certain functions within the system. I'm also worried now because I included some relatively personal information including photographs thinking I was creating a secure profile for my relatives to vet relevant details about my personal and professional life. Where did this information go? How do I even know if they responded? I'm kind of devastated over it. I've never had any family and I've waited for years to reach out. I finally do and
Geni Support Team After looking into this further, I was able to locate your original account. The About section of your original account triggered our spam filter, which resulted in the deletion of the account. We have now restored your account and merged it with the new one you created under the same email address. You can find the photos you had previously uploaded in the album, "Restored Photos."
We apologize for the inconvenience and appreciate your patience as we investigated this.
Roxie Benavides All my information has disappeared. I am the only relative instead of the 10,000. I have 2 emails and both are blank. My accounts were hacked (amazon, ebay etc) so I was only trying to change my password. I also am a pro and it says I am basic.
Andrew Stephen Griffiths This has also just happened to me. Spent ages merging after a Gedcom import, logged on today to resolve some conflicts and was logged out halfway through. Login didn't work, tried using facebook and I now have a new account with one relative.
I have found my old profile and on that page it says it's my profile (though apparently not) and a box saying Emails to you cannot be delivered. Please enter a new email address: entering old address and a new address comes up with the same thing - the same page with the same prompt.
Geni Support Team Hi Roxie, it sounds like you accidentally created a duplicate account. We were able to locate your Pro account and see you were able to log into it recently.
If you continue to have any issues logging into your account, please email us at subscriptions@geni.com .
Geni Support Team Hi Andrew, it also sounds like you also logged into a duplicate account. I see that you were able to merge your accounts.
If you continue to have any issues logging into your account, please email us at subscriptions@geni.com .
Job Waterreus Please see How do I contact Geni about my subscription?
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