I have just found out that Adobe Flash will be discontinued December 2020. I do NOT like using the HTML version for my family tree. Can anything be done to view the tree without using HTML?
Thank you so much !
I have just found out that Adobe Flash will be discontinued December 2020. I do NOT like using the HTML version for my family tree. Can anything be done to view the tree without using HTML?
Thank you so much !
Well, today my great 13.5 years of using Geni daily ended abruptly now that Flash is blocked by Adobe. The HTML tree is so slow and strange, not really fun now. It takes forever just to navigate the tree. Let's hope it will improve really quickly!
The main problem is that it is so slow to move the tree to navigate. I often surf around the tree to look at one sibling's branch and then the next sibling's branch etc. But it takes forever now in HTML. It doesn't matter if I use my mouse or keyboard. Two times out of three the tree doesn't react to my intended navigation. When it does react, I can only move about 30% of my screen and then it stops again. It takes forever, and the enjoyment is gone. I really hope this is a temporary problem.
I often (also today) navigate MyHeritage trees (while checking out matches from Geni) and don't have this problem in their navigation. So this proves there is nothing wrong with my mouse or keyboard, and that specific problem should be possible to solve without Flash.
Another issue I have is when I edit a profile in tree view and save, the tree stays zoomed into the tree, so I have to manually zoom out after each edit. That's really annoying. I want my chosen zoom level/size to remain after editing. If I click edit and then cancel, it zooms out again without this problem.
Something that seems to be missing is the resize photo function in tree view to optimize the portrait photo and put a square around the face. I know this can be done from each profile page under Media - but that takes much longer time, and it's not possible to select a square to be sure it is 100% square (as could be done from Flash tree view). If I accidentally choose 10% wider or 10% higher, a part of the face may appear outside what is visible as portrait in tree view, and then I have to repeat the process.
Today is my first day trying out the HTML tree. Yesterday everything was still so nice in your Flash tree, but today Adobe destroyed it all. :(
Any improvements will be greatly appreciated. I know this is not your fault - it is Adobe who damaged Geni today.
I agree, I DON'T like it either, The HTML seems foreign to me and difficult to use. It seems to me that every couple of months there is a Adobe Update. When I download and install the update, geni still sends me to the pedigree chart, NOT the View page.
From my understanding regarding the Adobe Flash is that Adobe will no longer be supporting Flash after December 2020.
Hope this helps. Let me know if you have any other questions. Thank you.
Harold Lumicao Liban
On Geni you can switch between Flash and HTML (if your device supports Flash) from the tree menu. If you are asked to allow Flash (like on Firefox) Geni will present you with the HTML version even if you allow Flash, but when you go back a page you will see the Flash version (Geni times out on Flash when you have to answer the allow prompt and will default to presenting the HTML screen)
Hi Niclas, can you share with us specifically what you feel is "strange" or missing on the HTML tree that makes it less enjoyable so we can continue to work on improving it?
Many thanks for your detailed response! We'll forward this to the team.
"Resize photo" is on our to-do list, but we don't have a firm release date planned at the moment.
I think it would help to give more information about the profiles in the merge screen to decide if they may be duplicates. It would help if you could open a side window with extra info when you click on a profile.
It would help to see the manager(s) for the profile and (the start of) the about for the profile. If there is room enough to show them occupation and added by and creation date may also help.
Thank you for listening, Geni Support Team.
Today it is even worse. It takes forever to move the HTML tree sideways from sibling to sibling. After a few tries I even got an error "Out of Memory", and the tree completely disappeared from my screen:
You could try to use the navigate menu at the bottom of the screen and/or try to change the number of generations that is shown
Niclas, can you try clearing your cookies to see if that helps? You can clear your Geni cookies with this link https://www.geni.com/login/clear_cookies
You may also want to try Job's advice of changing the number of generations shown. You can see your Tree Preferences by clicking on the gear icon at the left of the page.
Clearing cookies helps a little, changes from unbearable to bearable. But it's still not good, far from the functionality of the Flash tree and MyHeritage's tree.
If I move the tree one screen-width sideways, I have to wait about four seconds until I can move it another screen-width. If I try earlier, the tree doesn't react.
I know I can use the Navigation tab, but then I don't see who is who. Often I'm not searching for a particular person but just want to look at every branch from sibling to sibling to see what I can add or whom I can invite.
Yes, I know I can hide information from the screen by reducing the number of generations. It makes it a little faster. But the whole point of looking at the tree is that I want to see it, not hide it. If I just show 1-2 generations, I instead have to click the little green trees so many times with lots of reloading and can't see the great grandchildren in the same view as my great grandparents' siblings.
One of Geni's strongest benefits, why I fell in love with the site back in 2007, was the graphic visual presentation with good fast functionality. I hope it will come back to that again soon.
What is the alternate Geni is coming up with for Flash Player?
What should we do without Flash? HTML is no way near in experience with Flash.
Hi Er Mohammad, the HTML version of the tree is the replacement for the Flash tree. Is there something specific missing from the HTML tree that would make your experience more enjoyable?
Specifically, I miss the Functions like Making the Profiles Vertical, and editing features that used to come in the bottom Window.
Thanks for your feedback. If you are looking for the edit, you can click on the edit icon at the bottom right corner of the node.
Or you can click/tap on the node to open the side panel to reveal more options.
You can also click on the ? icon at the left of the page for more helpful tips on how to use the HTML tree.
No, I meant enabling the vertical view of all the profiles .
Flash is no longer supported, will we be again able to print the Family Tree Chart,
Ante Milišić
Hi Ante,
We are working on making the Family Tree Chart available with the HTML version of the tree. We'll let you know once we have an update.