I have connected Geni and ftdna and do not see any profiles with similar DNA results, disconnected and no results too - for old profiles i can see it.
Geni Support Team Hi, you can see your DNA matches in on your DNA tab or in your notifications. Please see our FAQ on how to find your DNA matches https://help.geni.com/hc/en-us/articles/360010027914-Where-can-I-find-my-DNA-Matches-list-
Дмитрий Платонов no matches at all
Geni Support Team Thank you for the screenshot. We see you are viewing the DNA tab for your relative's profile and it is your relative's DNA test that is not showing matches. There is a known issue where autosomal matches are missing or incorrectly showing conflicts for known matches. We are in contact with FTDNA regarding this issue and will let you know once we have an update.
Geni Support Team A fix for this issue has been released. In order to correct the data on Geni, you will need to unlink and re-link the FTDNA account. Here are instructions on how to do that for yourself, or if you've linked a kit to the profile of a relative:
How do I update my Family Tree DNA test results on my profile?
https://help.geni.com/hc/en-us/articles/115005316387-How-do-I-update-my-Family-Tree-DNA-test-results-on-my-profile-How do I update the Family Tree DNA test results on a relative's profile?
https://help.geni.com/hc/en-us/articles/360015419913-How-do-I-update-the-Family-Tree-DNA-test-results-on-a-relative-s-profile- -
Oleg Aleksandrov "Unable to view DNA matches for this profile".
I do not see DNA results. Why? -
Geni Support Team Oleg, can you please provide a link to the profile?
Oleg Aleksandrov Link to the my profile:
https://www.geni.com/people/Oleg-Aleksandrov/6000000017908863650 -
Geni Support Team Thanks. We've forwarded this to our engineers to investigate further.
Geni Support Team Hi, we have released a fix. Please let us know if you continue to encounter any issues.
Oleg Aleksandrov Thanks!