I am currently looking to maybe move to geni.com, but I have a problem.
As I type things into my Geni account I get matches from people on MyHertiage, but never myself. Never my material.
Obviously it would be much easier for me to click my own information rather than that of others.
Anyone know what this could be. Is there a setting somewhere that sets myheritage to "no one else can see your stuff" that I don't know of?I believe my settings are as they should be?
Geni Support Team Official comment Hi everyone,
You will not receive Smart Matches to your own tree on MyHeritage if you are using the same email address for both Geni and MyHeritage. This is to provide users with the best matches that can potentially add new information or connections to new relatives rather than matches to their own duplicate data. -
William Baden Powell Henry, I can't help, but hope someone will answer your questions -- and a lot of questions here on this forum.
Jonathan B Haber Hi Henry,
I'm also a My Heritage user, and I thought I'd give Geni a try after attending a webinar on the service earlier today. I am experiencing the same exact thing you are. I really want to choose matches from my own My Heritage tree, and not that from someone else (who I feel has inaccurate information).
The webinar presenter said the community here is very helpful and active, so I'm hopeful for an answer during my trial period.
Henry Leirvoll Yeah, on this particular subject - not so much.
Still, I am sure the community is helpful. It just seems that this particular subject is baffling to a lot more than you and I.
I have only two theories that can explain this problem.
1. The results in matches are really a lot more than what shows up on-screen, and they only show us the Top-X matches, meaning that our tree shows up forther down.
2. For some reason they actively choose not to make our own tree available, if they make the match between the accounts.
I can't see any other reason.
As for the why ..
On the first one I'd say "fair enough", but it seems implausible as a match with our own tree should indeed, as you suggest, be more accurate and therefore score higher on the "possible match".
The second one is a bit more cynical. MyHertiage simply doesn't want their customers to leave, and make it harder to do so. I know they own both companies, but it isn't hard to think that their ultimate agenda would be to get everyone over to MyHeritage.
Of course, I don't know any of these things for a fact. It just seems so strange that this would be an issue at all. It's consistent too - I have never, ever, found my own Myheritage profile on here, but I do find many others'.
I love Myheritage, but in order to get access to all the good research options, you have to open your wallet quite a bit. I love geneology, but I don't work on it - all the time - so it becomes expensive real quick.
Sometimes a few months can pass where I don't use it all, and then all of a sudden an entire weekend near 24/7 flies by with Myheritage research.
Too bad too, because I really like them both.
Oh well - sorry for the rant :) -
Jonathan B Haber It's good to know I'm not alone. I wouldn't be so interested if not discovering recently that my grandfather, who I thought was an only child, was actually the oldest of 10! I've met many new cousins just since last fall. One was business manager to celebrities, one branch of the family is famous tattoo artists in NYC, one a sherriff, etc. So, I've got the bug, and really want to make this stuff work. But the Geni sales pitch starts to fall flat once the curtains are pulled back. This community, which is touted in all the sales literature sure has a several topics that seem to be taboo.
Marlene Edwards Case I too, just watched the presentation on Legacy on Geni. And now I am getting everyone's matches from MyHeritage but not from my OWN tree which is the actual information I want. Someone needs to answer this problem. It is ridiculous not to match up with my own accurate information!
Henry Leirvoll Hey @Amanda!
That is very nice, but I am, and I still don't. :/
Still, as I get more used to geni.com, and learn that there is no way to import from my matches anyway, this becomes more something of an odd issue than a frustrating one.
In MyHeritgage, I can import line by line, by clicking an arrow for every detail on the person, but since that cannot be done on geni.com we have to punch in the details manually anyway. So, it is just as easy keeping MyHeritage open in one tab, and geni.com in the other.
If you have two screens, all the better. -
Jonathan B Haber I can see @Amanda's explanation as valid once a tree is built on Geni. But the policy makes it very frustrating while trying to migrate over to Geni from MyHeritage. It's almost enough to decide to bag the whole thing.
Geni Support Team We understand the frustration and we are currently working on a limited GEDCOM importer that we hope to release soon. Importing information from Record Matches and Smart Matches to Geni is also something we plan to introduce.
In the mean time, you may want to check out SmartCopy. SmartCopy is a browser extension created by a volunteer curator that helps Geni users copy and update information from various sources, such as MyHeritage, into Geni. You can read more about SmartCopy here: https://www.geni.com/projects/SmartCopy/18783 -
Henry Leirvoll SmartCopy is good and a valuable tool until you get some other import methods.
Still, out of all the matches I get - ALL matches, none are linked to my MyHertage account.
I have double checked, I am registered with same email on both accounts.
This is so frustrating because obviously I trust my own information more than those of others. It is triple-work for me now, because I have to recheck the information I find from other matches.
I see some of them have just matched with my tree, as they use my photos - photos I myself have shot - but the matches may not necessarily be recent, and so forth.
It seems to me as if it matches it to everyone BUT my account. I never, not even once, receive a hit towards my account.
I even went Pro now, on Geni (trial period), but still the same. -
Marlene Edwards Case Did you not see this reply from Amanda? You need to use two different emails. I am now getting matches from MyHeritage from my own account there, because I use a different email address on Heritage than I am using on Geni. AmandaOfficial comment Hi everyone,
You will not receive Smart Matches to your own tree on MyHeritage if you are using the same email address for both Geni and MyHeritage. This is to provide users with the best matches that can potentially add new information or connections to new relatives rather than matches to their own duplicate data. -
Henry Leirvoll Ah my apologies, I completely misread that.
Too bad. I've already registered using my family domain email, which makes the most sense to me.
Maybe it is possible to change. I'll look into it.
I don't feel that this makes much sense at all. I can't speak for everyone, of course, but i know my data to be thorough, so I would import that first. I would always be interested in checking what information others have anyway, so that is not something I would ignore.
With this solution, it seems geni discourages people to import their own data, and prefer you to import from other people. People you do not know, and who may have faulty information. They may not, of course, but it would mean you have to re-check all the data.
Since there are solutions such as SmartCopy, and they are thinking of implementing GEDCOM import, I do not see the danger in adding match to your own MyHeritage data considering that it isn't possible to import that data anyway. It's just information on the screen. -
Marlene Edwards Case I agree, Henry! The only reason I have a different email on MyHeritage is that for some odd reason I was not getting emails from MyHeritage on my AOL account and had to sign up for a Gmail account. That is an obstacle for me, because I rarely check the Gmail account. That doe not make sense to me, either. I get emails from every other person on this planet it seems on my AOL account.