I would like to delete unauthorize manager from our family tree, how do I do that?
Job Waterreus If the profile is in your family group and the manager is not, then you can remove him/her using the Actions menu / Manager Options and use the X after the manager name to remove the manager.
There is a lot of help info available, so please read the documentation. You can find some links here: https://www.geni.com/projects/Nederlandse-handleiding-GENI-voor-Dummies/13048 (English version, bottom of the page)
Vincent Inchond I cannot find the button here
Job Waterreus Most likely the profile is not in your family group (see https://www.geni.com/privacy and https://www.geni.com/account_settings/family)
Vincent Inchond It is my own profile, but I don't see the Actions menu / Manager Options button, so I can't delete other non-family member that manage the profiles in our family tree....
Vincent Inchond Please help to delete Dr Abd Rahim Saibu and Maggie as the manager in our family tree as they are not family members of the Matius Lajau family tree.
Job Waterreus You have to go to the profiles they manage in your family tree and use the actions menu on those profiles to remove them as managers from those profiles
Vincent Inchond I have tried several profiles but no can do, man. See attached pic, there is no delete button or X next to the manager's name (Maggie). Why is that?
Job Waterreus Then that profile is within the family group of that user (you can only remove managers from a profile when that profile is not within their family group)
You may want to look at https://www.geni.com/privacy
Job Waterreus You can find some more documentation on Geni in this project https://www.geni.com/projects/Nederlandse-handleiding-GENI-voor-Dummies/13048 (English version bottom of the page)