My tree is now displaying blank/empty boxes for add father, etc. Geni help says to select preferances on the bottom of the tree view then select display. But my tree does NOT show a preferances tab at all. Just tabs for navigate and go to.
Job Waterreus did you try
Geni Support Team Hi Jan, can you clarify what you are trying to do?
Or are you referring to the "Preferences" tab that was in the old flash tree?
Jan Anderson Yes I am referring to the preferences tab. Since that does not display I need an alternative to remove blocks that indicate Add Father, Add Spouse, etc.
Geni Support Team The Preferences tab is not available in the HTML version of the tree. It sounds like you would like to see the return of the option to center single parents?
Jan Anderson So when they eliminated the tab what did they replace it with so the tree could accommodate single parents? It is not as if that is a unique situation for probably the millions, if not more, individual's records on geni.
Geni Support Team The tree can accommodate single parents. What was removed was the option to hide the empty partner node in the tree.