Recently had a family member to die. How do I add his death date to his profile
Bjørn P. Brox By editing the profile..
If he/she was a Geni user you probably cannot edit it and have to contact Geni to get it released.
Open his/hers profile, click on the [Actions▼] menu int the top right corner and select "Report this profile", select Deceased as reason and fill in eventually extra information in the text field.
Ruth Freeman Sapien Geni makes an already difficult time as a death ridiculously hard to add!! :(
Rebecca Tephenhart Emburey Frustrating because you can only contact Geni if you are a Pro user. This is already a hard thing to add, wish Geni would make it easier.
Allan Christie Edmands, Jr. Please help me. I cannot add a death date for a cousin in law, --- who died in November 2012. I saw one answer to go to the profile and click "Actions" and then "Report"... yeah??? Where is "Actions"??? Please help me.
Allan Christie Edmands, Jr. Never mind. I figured it out. You see "Actions" when you are at the profile itself, not when you EDIT the profile.
Allan Christie Edmands, Jr. Please delete my first query. I should not have provided the link to Elsie's profile. Thanks.
Neha Rishi I reported it but I didn't write the date of the death, it won't let me go back and write it. help please
Jeff, Geni Curator Once the profile is marked as deceased by Geni, you'll be able to enter the date.
Scott McCreight I am having the same problem with adding a death date and I am the Manager of their profile. This is very frustrating Geni!
Jeff, Geni Curator Scott, if you are the manager, then you should be able to add the death date, unless the profile is claimed by the recently deceased person, in which case you have to report it as deceased.
Scott McCreight Hi Jeff, I do not think She "claimed" her profile. How do you tell if she did? How do you "report this as deceased?"
Jeff, Geni Curator Usually you'll see a "Joined On" and "Last Onine" date on the profile. You can find the Actions menu on the right hand side of the profile, select report, then deceased.
Bjørn P. Brox Her profile is probably what we call halfway claimed,
She have accepted the invitation, logged in and never returned. Since she has not gone through the process of setting permanent password the profile are still listed with a manager and editable. Another indication on that is that you see that there is an email attached to the profile, but you cannot remove it. Since user profiles cannot be deceased you are not allowed to change that either.
The solution is to follow the instructions at the bottom of this page on reporting the profile as deceased. Since you are a close relative reporting it Geni staff will probably just releasing the profile without any questions within a day or two.
Sonia Sunny Goldberg (Levine) My 1st cousin, Jennie Zesmer Gorrell, passed away on Sept. 17, 2014. How do I add her death date to her profile? We just got an anniversary reminder -- very unsettling.
Sonia (Sunny) Levine Goldberg. I don't know how to add a file & don't know what file I would attach.
Parents are David & Suzanne (Sue) Spector Zesmer, sister is Sarah Zesmer.
Jeff, Geni Curator Sonia, sorry for your loss. Follow these instructions: