Could anyone please help me fix a merge that someone else did that was incorrect? I never received a request for this merge and I most certainly did not approve it. I am assuming the merge was done by the person that is now listed as a profile manager along with me, on my great-grandmother's profile. She incorrectly merged my great-grandmother, Mary Agnes (Reckhouse) Miller with someone on her family tree. They are obviously completely different people with different sets of parents, different spouses, and different children. I have emailed her to resolve this but have not had a response. I have tried fixing it myself by splitting the trees through assigning Mary Agnes (Reckhouse) Miller's actual parents and spouse, but I am getting a message saying this would split the trees and cannot be done. Splitting the tress is exactly what I intend to do. Are you able to help please? The url for Mary Agnes (Reckhouse) Miller is