I have a HUGE problem. I had gotten bad info and entered who I thought was a relative but turns out it was the wrong person. I add many of her past relatives etc... those which I guess linked to others on Geni, etc... needless to say it appears this turned out to be HUNDREDS of people in this part of the tree. That are NOT my relatives after all. It won't let me click to delete this individual in order to delete that entire part of the tree. There's no way I can go back to the end of the tree and delete backwards individually because there's to many people. How can I easily delete that entire branch of my tree?
Jeff, Geni Curator Correct - we don't want you to delete profiles because your in a shared tree. It may not be correct for you, but the other profiles are correct for many descendants on Geni and we wouldn't want you to destroy their tree. What we need to do "disconnect" that branch that is incorrect. So who is the wrong person? What profile did you add that turned out to be incorrect. We'll disconnect you from that profile.
Valarie Jo Quick I have the same problem. I'm not on a shared tree, so how do I delete all the people? I changed the names and info on the two descendants I had made the mistake on, but now have all the wrong descendants for them!
Jeff, Geni Curator Valarie, please don't delete any profiles. You are definitely in a shared tree. If you're not in the correct spot or a profile is incorrectly attached, we can fix that without effecting other connections in the tree. Just let me know what profile(s) need to be corrected.
Diane Joyce Roubitchek A step son of my first cousin asked to merge our trees. I though I was being kind but he is adding crazy people and I want to remove him from my tree.....I have asked him politely and never got a response.....please help me!
Jeff, Geni Curator Diane, you said he's adding crazy people - meaning what? Is he adding false information to the tree or just building it out? Remember that this is his tree as well and while he should not add incorrect information, he is encouraged to fully build out any portion of his tree and merge any duplicate branches.
Matthew Allen Sackel I am also realizing that information I linked to was wrong. I just realized today when doing some math, that the person listed would have had his son when he was 2 years old.
How can I remove this? I think I need curator help.
Jeff, Geni Curator Matthew, if you want to post a link to the profile and describe the error, I can address it. Alternatively, here is a discussion thread to ask for Curator assistance. https://www.geni.com/discussions?discussion_type=followed
Matthew Allen Sackel OK! So https://www.geni.com/people/Samuel-Sprague/6000000030143640476 is the link my to my ancestor...my 4th Great Grandfather. I know that is right.
I have just realized the link to his father Ira Sprague, Jr. is totally wrong, and so is all the information that is connected to it (and it goes back forever). I need to end the tree with Samuel Sprague and his wife Roxanna.
His father is wrong, and so is all the information attached.
Jeff, Geni Curator Matthew, should be all set.
Stuart de Haaff The fact that one cannot edit incorrect information is just unbelievable and there is not enough time to correct all the issues. It's just easier to leave.
Barry Warren Kort I built out a subtree but attached it incorrectly to my main tree. Our common ancestor is evidently farther back than any ancestor I currently know of. How do I detach the subtree from the point where I incorrectly attached it to my original main tree?
B M C I have added a branch to my family tree by mistake. How do I delete it?
Gina Elena Rosmari Breg I also have the same problem, I have tried to delete a branch, but I can’t.
I have names some of the entries as “no name”https://www.geni.com/people/no-name/6000000181602924867
could someone 0lease delete all his relatives, but not my aunt Stefanija Kren. She belong in my tree but Daniel Schmid and all his relatives don’t,
thank you,