"Title" field prefix for "Sir," "Colonel," etc.
"Title" field prefix for "Sir," "Colonel," etc.
As of October 17, 2016, the Title field was added on Geni. Read more here: https://www.geni.com/discussions/161459
This is high priority for me.
it is a much needed area - paf has dad it for years now - it is so useful it is unbelivable
Agreed. It would also be nice if, after implementation, a crawler script could move obvious prefixes from the First Name field, or from the Suffix field, to the Prefix field.
I not going to say much, but this is a need that I do support.
Of all the "problems" with Geni, this one is the one that I would hope gets resolved first. The "work arounds" are inconsistent and only lead to confusion.
Can't tell you the number of times I have found "Sir" for a first name and the first name in the middle name slot. Makes searching for duplicates impossible and increases the number of duplicate profiles added. I have been asking for this since before I became a curator. PLEASE bump this to top of list.
Amen, Maria!
this would be a nice improvement.
Sir, Dr, Sgt, Lt, Hon, Deacon, etc.....since military designations might change...do not think, for retreival purposes, they should be part of the 'call up' name.....just proper 1st,middle and last name....BUT they, like middle names also give clues to where to look in research and give quite a bit of insight into subsequent names in family.....(grandchild with 1st name of Deacon or even Major ...I PERSONALLY know a man with that name)....
A pop-down with accepted pre-fixes would seem logical (would keep people from inventing their own)...with a REQUEST for adding slot..for Geni consideration...
Insert a "KNOWN AS" slot within full proper name since there are a great number of people who were given one proper 1st or middle name but were known all their life as another (found one that came as a complete surprise to my own family when the death certificate was located....noone knew that the name used all her life was NOT her given name and even historical recordings showed the nickname....
Definately a must have -
Dispite one suggestion that Prince etc NOT be part of this prefix category I think it SHOULD be...after all....a Prince could become a King or demoted to Duke (also a valid prefix).
Prince Charles (PERHAPS: King Charles)
Duke of Edinburgh (abdicated to marry Wallis Simpson)
So these prefixes shouln't be excluded
I put the forenames in the Name places and the Sir, General, etc. in the Display name in parentheses, e.g. (Sir) X Y. That way it doesn't affect alphabetical searching and is obviously a title.
Since this an international project, thought should also be given for a separate field for predicates, such as von, van, de, de la, ter and other such prefixes. In the case, for example, of Wernher von Braun, it should be indexed as Braun, Wernher von, rather than von Braun, Wernher, or Rochefoucauld, Alexis de rather than de Rochefoucauld, Alexis. I know it is another complication, but when you get into European genealogy, it is absolutely necessary. The title field would also be very useful.
Peeter's point would also address the Anglo American tree, as we have Norman ancestry ...
King of England or Duke of Edinburgh would,in my experience, at the moment, be placed in the suffix field, but a very valid point is that about another field for predicates such as von or de. We have had a lot of support for this feature request so hopefully the Geni team will take these comments on board soon.
Peeter and Terry have a VERY good point for predicates...is quite confounding to sort thru the von,de etc (sometimes is part of last name and sometimes put into middle name field).....I heartily concur for this enhancement AS WELL as prefix...
And Phillip had a good idea (at least it sounds good to a non-programmer type like me) for a 'scrawler script' to pull the Sir, Dr, Lord, Lt, Sgt etc from where they are and placed in a prefix field...
I would urge caution before making a general rule about prefixes like De.
Most Irish-language names begin with 'Ó', 'Mac' or 'de', separated by a space from the next word, but one would not expect them to be alphabetised according to the next word: that would, for example, separate the Irish form 'Ó Briain' from the anglicised 'O'Brien'.
Librarians used to have rules for when to start a name with De, Von, La, etc. according to national usage. I'm out of practice in this area, but any practising cataloguer should be able to give advice on current practice.
Good point, John...and good memory for where to find the proper method of doing it.
It would not fit in a GEDCOM so the information would be lost in an export, need to stick with the sufix
Yes, please. Very high priority!
I still am in support of it - as Name titles such as Dr. Rev., colonel, king etc. do not belong in the Suffix field and possible make it too long for proper conversion for gedcom.
if read right both the prefix and sufix fields ae supported by gedcom - http://www.phpgedview.net/ged551-5.pdf yhis article is dated 1999
Suffix is just that - jr. sr., I etc. by us being forced to use it other than what it was meant for in GENI is possibly reaking havoc with the gedcom conversions
any programs that do not have a full listing of the fields - any information from a gedcom is not lost it is entered at notes if i rememeber correctly so it is not lost
If this is being planned, an extra feature would be great on top of a simple name field.
Most prefixes, in particular, but not restricted to, royal titles, are associated with a given time period for which the title is appropriate. In events, photos, and documents that have specified dates, the appropriate title should be shown. Otherwise, the default display name is shown.
Would be a major feature upgrade. Hope that's what's taking so long.
Marv, Prefix is supported by gedcom tag NPFX, so you wont lose it at export
There is a need for cleaning up the name boxes. I agree that suffix is Jr, Sr, dä, dy etc. Why not just move the "Titlt/Occupatopn box to above the name? And then call that Prefix. As said here it's royal titles, noble titles, everyday used titles (Dr, Mrs, Rev., Lt, Serg. Mr, Monsignore etc). Then it would be possible to just search for Titles/Occupation. Now it is a mess in the name boxes. Some Geni users care very much about being member or close to a noble family, others care less or not at all. Thoose who don't care will leave a "prefix"-box empty and those who really mind about their barons and Sire will see the Title as the name performed every time they open a profile. (I've this week seen a family with "built in name"-titles so long that the "Overview"-field were impossible to read! The text from the above profile hid the lower profiles photos and text too!)
Do we have an estimated time frame for when we might see this? Thanks! :)
Prefix is in my opinion a dead end if Geni want to be an international site. What you would put in Prefix would probably others put in the Suffix and opposite. For one part it would look wrong anyhow.
What we need is language dependent Display Names, something that really shows it's power when you have different alphabets.
This is a no-brainer, surely. A drop-down list from which the required Title is selected would be the best option.
It is simply a matter of including an additional entry field, so not really a massive effort.
Can someone please expedite this request and advise here regarding status?
LOVE it, thanks. Oh, Geni is going to be such a wonderful place when I am able to come back! Thanks, Mike, for all that you do,