Allow us to tag relationships between two profiles in documents/sources.
Philip James Decker, Ͼ Erin: Not sure I know what you mean. Can you expand?
Catherine Erin Serafina Liora Spiceland (Pinder) Currently, you can add a source to any name field, any date field, any place field, and a few other facts like living status, occupation, cause of death, current location, et. al., but you can't add a source to a relationship. I would like to be able to effectively say "here's documentation that Profile A was Profile B's father." I would like to tag a marriage license as proof that one profile was another profile's spouse. That kind of thing.
Heather (Fachet) Bond in the new "sources" tab, you can add a document or website... in the dropdown menu, you can "cite" the source for stuff like birth date, maiden name, suffix-- but it does not have marriage date/partnership in the options.
Joe Brous Buttrill This can get tricky when you're talking about a census document.
Take a family from the 1900 U.S. census with a father, mother, ten children and a maternal grandmother living in a household--not that uncommon in 1900. There are 20 parent-child relationships between the two parents and ten children. There are 45 sibling relationships among the ten children (10 x 9 / 2). There are twelve other relationships between the grandmother and the rest of the family. The grand total is 77 relationships (20 + 45 + 12).
Combine this with the numerous other "facts" that can be found in the 1900 census, e.g. current location, name, race, sex, age, month and year of birth, marriage status, years married, state/country of birth, state/country of birth of parents, year of immigration, citizenship, occupation, education, etc. and multiply by 13--the number of people in this household, and I believe you can begin to see the problem here.
I suspect the whole concept of "facts" within Geni needs to be rethought.
Catherine Erin Serafina Liora Spiceland (Pinder) Nope, I don't see a problem at all. We may not need to source sibling relationships. It would be nice, but as long as we can source parental relationships and marriages, that's enough for me. I also don't see any reason why we couldn't just have those two entries: "parental relationship" and "spousal/partner relationship." It doesn't say "born in 1844" under sources, it just says "Birth Date." "Parental Relationship" is specific enough.
Joe Brous Buttrill I see your point about family relationships; we only need the parent-child relationship as a "fact." But in addition to the marriage relationship, we need the marriage date and location, too. Other missing "facts" are: education/schools attended/degrees earned, immigration/migration/travel, elected/appointed offices held, ownership of property, legal proceedings/convictions, etc. One could even argue that if we include a date and place of baptism, we also should include other religious rites, e.g. a date and place of Bar/Bat Mitzvahs.
I still suspect the whole concept of "facts" within Geni needs to be rethought.
Catherine Erin Serafina Liora Spiceland (Pinder) Joe, you make good points, and they can all be summed up as such: Geni needs to allow sourcing of relationship types and custom events. Baptisms are preconfigured in Geni because they are a major type of government-recognized historical event which can be regularly substituted for a birth date. If Geni would recognize parental relationships, spousal relationships, and custom events (which we can already enter in) as sourceable, we'd be golden. I entered several custom "immigration" events today, and while I was able to tag a document to one single event, I wish I could tag a document with multiple custom events. Having those events and relationships categorized as sourceable facts would solve everything.
Joe Brous Buttrill A couple of points:
1) You make the claim that "Baptisms are preconfigured in Geni because they are a major type of government-recognized historical event which can be regularly substituted for a birth date." Baptisms are a major event only in the Christian world. Christianity represents only about 30% of the world population. (See "Baptisms are preconfigured in Geni" because Geni has a Christian bias.
2) From a document within Geni, you're only allowed to associate a single event. But from an event, you can associate any number of documents. Therefore, the same document can be associated with multiple events, effectively giving you what you want--"I wish I could tag a document with multiple custom events."
PS: I still suspect the whole concept of "facts" within Geni needs to be rethought.
Catherine Erin Serafina Liora Spiceland (Pinder) I wasn't aware of your #2 point. I will have to try that, though it seems tedious. I still wish they were all listed in the sources dialog.
Concerning #1, are there any other religious events that are as well-documented historically as baptisms and so similar in nature in that they closely follow a vital event? I can think of bris which follow birth even more closely and consistently than baptisms (don't know the plural of "bris"), but I have no idea if they are as well documented as baptisms historically have been in the absence of a birth record. Baptisms (in the genealogical sense) have nothing to do with religion. They are just used to document birth.
Leanne M (Volunteer Curator - Australia) 🇦🇺 It would be great to be able to at least source to marriage date and location. These are official records exactly like a birth or death record.
Dan Cornett FYI: the 'fact' associated with a citation (currently) is the value the user types into the little "Note" box -- the 'check-box' simply indicates which field (name, birth, etc) that "fact-AKA-Note" is associated with.
So, to really cite facts, one has to do them one at a time (one fact/Note, one field, then save). Unless the same value ('fact') is associated with more than one field. THAT is what is tedious.
If there was a 'fact/Note' box associated with every field on the citation screen, then it would go much faster.
Even better would be to have some automatic parsing (of certain kinds of documents) to pre-fill some of the 'fact' values (e.g. dates from census documents, dates & locations from marriage documents)
Frode Evensen Sources for marriage, relationships and custom events are over due, and I hope they will be implemented sometime soon.
I also love Dan Cornett’s suggestion adding a text field behind every checkbox in the source menu, making it a lot quicker to add facts when entering a source.
Frode Evensen But my hopes are not high, as it seems that nobody from the Geny company is monitoring this feature request board - at least not responding. Is Geni slowly dying? It seems that there is almost no development on the product...
Bjørn P. Brox Stay tuned, - they are working hard on development and make new releases every week, making the HTML tree better to completely replacing flash is one example.