Once a project has been established it would help to be able to change the name.
Eldon Clark (Geni volunteer curator) I agree, but only the project originator should be able to change it.
Judith Judi Elaine (McKee) Burns I agree, and with Eldon on only the project originator should be allowed to change it any
David Prins I agree. This would be useful if:
(a) You make a mistake - a glaring typo is an embarrasment
(b) You change the scope of the project after creation
(c) You think a new name would be more relevant
(d) All the above and more!
David Prins I think an issue may be the way profiles and projects have been implemented differently.
The originator of this feature request is http://www.geni.com/people/Mauritz-Preller/362454288270001772
What matters here is his number, not his name.
http://www.geni.com/people/I-can't-remember-his-name/362454288270001772 will still find him!
But with projects it's different. The project name is the link. For example, I just created the project http://www.geni.com/projects/Sephardic-Families-Who-Settled-in-Europe-after-Expulsion-from-Spain-in-1492 - which by the way is a great project - you should all go take a look.
But if I wanted to change that, the URL link would also change. You can change the name of a profile without changing the URL, but you can't change the name of a project without changing the URL.
This may have been intentional so that two profiles (people) can have the same name, but two projects can't. The unintended consequence is difficulty changing the project name.
Anita M. Boynton Agreed. As the starter of The Civil War projects and sub projects, I have found that what I thought was a great naming convention went out the window after about the 10th project. If you are the only one using the project or with profiles added to it, a fix is to delete the project and start over (in the case of a typo or grammar error found right away), but to change after there are 100 linked projects and 100 profiles I have no control over is impossible!
Anita M. Boynton HHmmm.... this KB article states they are looking at a fix...this was in March!
DIANA VELASQUEZ How do I delete a project?
Anita M. Boynton Diana...deletion is under the Edit options on the project.
Rosa-Lee Arendse There is no delete under the edit option. Can someone please point me in the right direction? Thank you -
Bjørn P. Brox You have to be the project owner to be able to delete it.
David Prins When you refer to the "owner" - do you mean the first listed collaborator? Or where else is the "owner" of a project visible?
Bjørn P. Brox The first listed collaborator yes.
I have not tested lately, but all other collaborators and project profiles might have to be removed as well before you can delete a project. -
David Prins I do see a delete option in a project where I am first named collaborator, and there are many collaborators and profiles in the project. I don't want to test what happens if I click Delete
Anita M. Boynton David, if you click Delete, it does just that....deletes the project entirely, removing all followers, collaborators and profiles.
Anita M. Boynton David, if you click Delete, it does just that....deletes the project entirely, removing all followers, collaborators and profiles.