the regular birthdays that are in Geni are for solar calendar birthdays. however jewish people also have a jewish/hebrew birthday which follows the lunar calendar... is there a possibility that GENI can introduce jewish/hebrew birthday as a field into someone's personal details? and also send reminders for those birthdays too? (also important are reminders for the hebrew dates of death as well... because we commonly say special prayers for those who have passed away on the anniversary of their death).
This would be a very welcome addition to Geni, and may entice many more jewish people to join up as 'pro' members if they were able to be sent email reminders for someone's jewish birthday/anniversary of passing away.
paul steinberg
pro member
Johnson Michael Edakulathur For Christian families also, we have special prayers for the ancestors who have passed away especially on their death anniversary days. Lke birthdays we need reminders based on the death dates.
עמרי שרת / Omri Sharet This is a very good idea. Genealogy is very common among Jews, and there should be options to regrad the special events of this community. A main thing I'd also like to be able to add, is if a person is a Cohen / Levi / Israel, which is a highly important genealogical detail.
Esther Rivky Grunwald Excellent idea as Yartzeit(anniversary of Death) is a very important piece of information in Jewish genealogy.
יואל משה הלוי אפטער Excellent idea, I also have a problem printing my tree as the yiddish (Hebrew) names dose not appear correctly on the print.
is there a way to do it?
Thanks in advance.
Donna M Laverty good grief, just set a reminder in your computer and/or cell phone (like i do). if is going to snpend our time/money let it be done to provide some decent research tools like other geneology sites have done! which is why i've recently begun using myheritage com -
Jeff, Geni Curator Donna, Geni is owned by MyHeritage. The Pro subscription for Geni is not focused on research - it's about building the world tree, collaboration, and support. Geni does offer a subscription for research tools via the MyHeritage Data subscription, which is where you see the Smart & Record Matches, along with their SuperSearch which covers all their document collection. So if you have a MyHeritage data subscription, it will also work through Geni.