This featyre has been removed - I found it most useful and would love to see it back! Does anyone else feel the same -
Bring back the latest news feature on the Homepage!
This featyre has been removed - I found it most useful and would love to see it back! Does anyone else feel the same -
Bring back the latest news feature on the Homepage!
Yes, I agree! I found the 'Recent News" feature really useful too, and was actively using it regularly. COULD WE PLEASE HAVE IT BACK?? Please bring back this feature as soon as possible to make our lives easier and more interesting!!
Please replace the Recent News .... I always found it useful to let everytime we needed to let everyone know what is going on!!!
I agree. It was the single best feature to communicate with everybody. If I want a private message to my family - as GENI now suggest, I will use my email. IF GENI DOES NOT RETURN THIS FEATURE I AM MOVING MY SITE TO ANCESTRY.COM. In a world of social media - facebook et al - Geni is eliminating the only feature to immediate notify all my 100+ relatives of news and info. ARE THE NUTS. LETS START A PROTEST HERE
When is the "Recent News" Feature being returned back to Geni????? Please let us know. The site seems lame without it!!!
Yes, this was a useful feature to let family what was going on. Back to email I guess now - which is a pity as many of my European rellies don't check email at all.
I just tried to update my family group and discovered that the "Latest News" option has been removed. Terrible!!! I feel handicapped...Is GENi going to remove one feature at a time to the extent that they shut down the site?
We request GENi to take note of this appeal and revert back the feature...
I really needed the 'Latest News' feature in a couple of days to send my family best wishes for our celebration - life was so much easier with this feature. Now, I don't know how to post a message on our family blog for everyone to see, especially my overseas relatives - most people hardly check their emails these days.
How inconvenient!!!! I really hope 'Latest News' feature is returned as soon as possible, or many people will definitely lose interest in Geni - THIS FEATURE WAS THE BIGGEST REASON FOR PEOPLE LOGGING ON IN THE FIRST PLACE!!!
The latest News box is back.
Case closed.
The length allowance for "Latest News" is much too short, and there's no indication as to where my post is going to be cut short.