I am working on a project here in which I estimate there will be more than 4,000 profiles added. I would like to have the list of profiles added to the project more functional so that you can sort the list by birth date or by last name, right now the profile on top of the list is the one last added. So to sort my list I would have to remove and re-add 4,000 profiles.
Bjørn P. Brox Stay tuned ;-)
I am working on an App using the Geni API where I can sort and filter on any profile value.
I do however not expect to make it public his year, but I might invite to beta-testing later on.
S. Härdh Sounds great! How is the progress?
刘杳 How did it go Bjorn? I've thought about this thing too. First of all, last name or birth date sorting should be the default, rather than the time it was added (which has little meaning).
Although these two may be the most common sortings, there are others that are more tricky. For instance, a project of the Presidents of the US might be okay by birth date, but there will be some irregularities (Reagan is older than 3 of his predecessors).
Here's what I imagine. Whenever a profile is being added to a project, the user is prompted with the option to enter a value (numerical or textual) that only applies to this project. The values will be listed alongside the profiles in the "list of profiles", and they can be modified. If it's the royal line, for which the king or queen is not necessarily remembered as the 23rd monarch, we can do something like birth order and marriage order to assign a numerical value.
With projects like a public office or a royal line, it'd be good if a small module appears in the profile's about me (or on the side) that links to the predecessor and successor, like how it's done in Wikipedia.
Bjørn P. Brox Some time since I had some time to work on it, but a very early versioncan be tested here: http://www.geni.com/platform/apps/view/35?sec=Info
Margaret (Johnson) Lynn Hi there, Bjorn, I'm adding my two cents worth of PLEASE to the sorting/filtering idea for projects with lots of profiles on it. At least alphabetizing would make the projects much more useable. Can I vote more than once? :)
Eric Randol Schoenberg, Geni Curator Now that the projects are really taking off and have lots of profiles attached, we really need them alphabetized and searchable on the project pages.
Fred Mulholland Currently I find that projects are useless because I cannot tell what profiles have been added. If alphabetizing is incorporated I will look at projects again. Until then I won't bother.