Now that you are selling DNA testing, a nice feature would be to allow customers to upload their own genetic data, like results from 23andMe. It would be extremely wasteful to pay for the same tests twice. Without such a feature, I suspect Geni would expose itself to open access competition. When DNA testing becomes far more popular than it is now nobody will pay for DNA testing at multiple companies just to find relatives who each will be using different services. There are already communities of people sharing marker data, they just are in the early stages.
Scott Roberts +1 for this suggestion. I've paid for both 23andme and Ancestry's DNA service. I'm done paying for more tests since I have the data. Since 23andme allows export of the raw DNA data, I would pay a nominal amount (~$30) to be able to upload my existing 23andme data into Geni.
Bjørn P. Brox Today there is absolutely no connection between DNA data and Geni profiles, so that have to be solved first.
Fook Seung Lee +1 for this suggestion too, as I have also paid for a 23andme test to be done.
Michael Dail I noticed FamilyTreeDNA allows for a "transfer service" which comes at a fee of $79. Maybe if there is a motive of selling tests and/or fees, this is something that can be tried. I will be testing with 23andme and would like the option to upload my data. Between all the geneology sites, I have grown to like this one the most.
Lo There seems to be a misunderstanding. See #3 in -- " Geni users can purchase Family Tree DNA tests at really low prices, but the actual test and the results is between you and Family Tree DNA." The info is NOT going into any Geni Database!
Michael Thomas St Clair It's absurd to affiliate oneself (business) with ftDNA without the benefit of sharing the results. After paying for 2 different tests I can't use either of them here. Rubbish!
Kyle Abraham Teitelbaum Smart matches for dna like on 23andme would be great. If you could upload the raw data and get smart matches that way would be a dream for searching family members.
Eanna Balzina-Balzin I had genetic tests in Genebase for me and my father, Full Sequency mtDNA and 91 marker STR for my father's YDNA on Genebase. for me in Full Sequency mtDNA and still FF in FTDNA, for me 23andMe, each company as the information. Genebase the greatest database for population of The Earth to compare and personalities too, FTDNA as more accurative clear test results to see to company, and their FF-Family Finder genetic test for 5 genetic generation for cousins, and so great to see penty surname and genetic distance. 23andMe sevice as another spark, to compare with DNA of neaderthalts from the cave in Horvatia in Europe as a fun to see a result. Genebase Full Sequency mtDNA and the some in FTDNA had different. 23andMe as in Genebase result. so, different companies used own markers and technology and so the more clear correct compare of tests results in the some company. But as all genetic tests gave ideas about connections with places, populations, surnames, needs as one base to put all genetic tests result to see them - gedmatch used to take all genetic tests result from plenty companies to compare to see new names - but not from Genebase from Canada, which Genebase had the more huge database about the population of The Earth to see. Practically, it may be some genetic programms of calculation of genetic distance by compare DNA and so people would see this and some fields with grahs and links or a table results to work with this. as plenty people had a loss of their origin and relative via the historical process and etc .... I think this is a just a point of right to know the truth about own ancestry and biological ancestors and origin. The understanding of this all is helping to understand yourself more, to work with own weakness and strongesness, to know the origin of talants as from ancestors from the past too. and still as the opportunity to travel as a turist to see places, museums, to try different food taste too, so just to enjoy the life and the socialization. The fear to put genetic tests results are from the fear of shame for results of some biological insticts of our ancesttors or some events in their lives too, but we are not small newborn babies, we are adults to respect the past as had been done, and our ancestors for giving the lives for all us. and still it would be nice just to respect rights of each to search to know own origin as genetic, biological, and though all documents and archives. Our ancestors gave lives to us to live, we can not blame them, for their choices or lives, we may just respect with thanks to us to live. But some families had a fear of sharing their genetic tests results for their kids to know hidden secret things and a lie as open to be the truth. This point of a fear may put geni not to take genetic tests in database, from other coumpanies, to up th knowledge of own clients about their origin, and saving money of own clients not to pay for plenty genetic tests in plenty companies. while some family may just to use the option not to share their genetic tests results to close the compare and to live in the privacy.
Eanna Balzina-Balzin Gedmatch company has a service to add genetic test reults here
they take and FTDNA and 23andme and Geni too, sorry, not from Genebase only for the simple optional origin in the connection with the population
The best database in Genebase to compare and more interesting too, as they use the change of markers to play to compare Research your Ancestry with DNA as plenty apportunities
More clear tests in FTDNA, with sparks of FF-Family Finder for genetic cousins of any sex till 5th genetic generation
Still one company
but plenty people here used for medical testing and kept their names as private though this, so, you will see people, but not their names and surnames sometimes with closed profiles too, but others tests interesting to see the work of modern science.
Eanna Balzina-Balzin genetic testing in Geni is a really optional and may be just a start as more poor in results, so may be a reason while Geni not put genetic tests results from other companies for their clients to work here with this information. But as I see the taking money for the use of a side, I would think what you have for this as the help to know own origin with closure genetic test results and from other companies too, as now plenty genetic information about plenty historical personality and people to search this and archives later too.
Eanna Balzina-Balzin I did not find the information and about Geni service here for genetic testting too on this web-side
Jim Huy I would like to upload 23andme DNA also. It would help your database.
Jeff Allan Fogle Currently, you can send your DNA results info from various services online at and this will allow you to use their service to upload your info and correlate it all on their site.
Hope that helps.
Jeff, Geni Curator I believe this is the info from DNA-land. I think it links your Geni profile to your DNA-land information, but not sure it does anything on Geni. Let me know what it actually does if you do it.