A merge can be a mistake or add incorrect persons to a tree. There needs to be a way to keep our trees accurate by undoing a merge.
Olle Wennström Could you please help us.
The profile:
Has been incorrectly merged. His parents are His parents are Anders Olsson & Catarina Fornelius. Could you please undo the merge?
Best regards
Olle -
Clare Helen Nelson Hi Ollie,
Did they help you with this? I have the same problem. Someone merged incorrectly with my family tree leaving individuals with two fathers and mothers.
Thank you.
Jim Wile The curators now have a tool to unmerge recent incorrect merges. Place your request in this discussion http://www.geni.com/discussions/142108. Jim
Heather Lynn Houlden Why do the request have to be made in a public forum? We merge by accident and now it says the person with the other account is an administrator on my profile. There has to be a way to fix this and in the future for those that may want to merge (we most assuredly did not) should be warned that if you allow something like that then the person who built the other tree becomes an administrator of your profile. I assume this was from the merge since the name matches the person who built the other tree. Honestly I don't remember ever clicking anything to merge and I wouldn't since the tree was started by my wife's family. The issue is on my profile Richard Lloyd Houlden, now a Stan Damast is considered an administrator on my profile.
Bjørn P. Brox Heather Lynn Houlden, what I see is that there is two of you, but your own profile is of course only managed by your self. The other is managed by the family member you started a merge with, and what is left is completing the merges, which includes making you the manager of the other profile as well. I or another curator can do that for you.
Jeff, Geni Curator Heather, often there is no "my" profile in a shared tree. Everyone in your family group (which likely goes out to 4th cousins) has full edit rights to that profile. The manager is essentially a "contact". Stan had a profile of Richard in his branch, which he was the sole manager of and you had a profile for Richard in your branch, where you were manager. Instead of two profiles, where you had management of one, but not the other (and he as well), now you both share the management on a single profile. That is the way Geni works. https://www.geni.com/worldfamilytree/learn-more It's a shared collaborative tree where we remove duplication by merging, so from his perspective, you were added as a manger of his profile.
But, if Stan is outside of your family group, then you can remove him as a manger from that profile via the Action menu, manager options. If you don't like Stan, you can block him from contacting you or if he vandalizes the profiles in any way, you can report him. Otherwise, he's just another contact - someone interested in that Genealogy trying to fill out his tree, of which your profiles also connect. Looking at the tree there are additional duplicates, so I'll go ahead and finish merging them so that the same tree doesn't have double entries for the same profiles.
Jeff, Geni Curator Bjorn beat me to the answer. :) Heather, I sent Stan a message about some of the duplicates, which may be easier for him to just delete and on Richard, he could just remove himself as a manager.
William Lee Watson Hi i merged my grandmother profile with mine. Please fix -
Bjørn P. Brox William, - fixed.
Bjørn P. Brox Use the Move action on a node in Tree-view if you want to connect two profiles.
Bjørn P. Brox I guess this is the merge you want to perform, - if so, give a hint since you obviously have two accounts you need to merge.
Brice Portier Hi
Could you kindly undo the below merge?
Many thanks!
Beccy Howarth I have two incorrect merges on my tree. I am unable to remove connections these have created. Can someone undo these for me?
April 20, 2016 at 11:12 AM Elizabeth Susan James was merged into Elizabeth James (Duke) by Geoffrey David Trowbridge.
January 20, 2015 at 8:42 AM John Henry James was merged into John Duke James by Jaan Ruben.
Geoffrey David Trowbridge I have reversed the merge between the two Elizabeth Susan James profiles.
However, this now leaves son John Duke James with a parent conflict (duplicate mothers), so someone will have to take a look at that.
Beccy Howarth Thank you Geoffrey. I think the trouble is another incorrect merge. I'll track it down.
Beccy Howarth This one is incorrect:
Thomas James was merged into Albert Thomas James by Geoffrey David Trowbridge.Apr 20, 2016 at 11:11 AM · view -
Beccy Howarth I have sorted out the parent conflict for John Duke James which was because he was merged from two different people with two different sets of parents. For now I have him with what I assume are the correct parents for for John Duke James But I don't know because he is not part of my family. John Henry James was married to Hannah James (Walker) not John Duke James so when these two profiles were merged it added a whole new part to me tree which shouldn't be there. I still have John Duke James married to Hannah James which I cannot remove - it warns me about splitting the tree (which I want) but then won't allow me to save it. So I still have the following incorrect merges:
Thomas James was merged into Albert Thomas James by Geoffrey David Trowbridge.Apr 20, 2016 at 11:11 AMJanuary 20, 2015 at 8:42 AM John Henry James was merged into John Duke James by Jaan Ruben.
There may be more and I don't know how to resolve these. I can't understand how these merges happened, without some sort of check to the managers of the profiles - these people didn't even live on the same continent.
Geoffrey David Trowbridge Both should now be un-merged.
It was the initial incorrect merge between John Henry James and John Duke James that triggered the string of merges up the tree in an attempt to resolve the conflicts. I didn't start the problem, but I should have caught it, so for that I apologize.
Pamela Wieland Payne I would appreciate you undoing a merge. I have no idea how I did it and it needs to be resolved. Help! It is with the Vergie MacMillan family.
Beccy Howarth Thank you Geoffrey David Trowbridge I realize that you didn't start it. Thank you for helping me fix it. I understand you were trying in good faith to resolve issues. The tree looks much better now and I was able to merge extra profiles I created when trying to sort it out.
Gary Riggs Please....
I have a merge that needs to be undone. I included the text of a couple of messages that explain the issue.
Gibby BrackToday at 3:27 PMIt's the result of a bad merge.
The original profile I entered in 2015 was for the William H. Jackson born 4/13/1856 in Belmont County, Ohio, who died 2/15/1932.
Someone merged a different William H. Jackson to it and the dates did a switch to be those of the new entry.
Both men evidently had sisters named Mary Ann. The Mary Ann I entered was born in 1849 and married Lewis Albert Clipp.
Sara and Wilda Sue go with the 1953-1986 William Henry
Parents are Ida Mae and Henry Wade Jackson (my note)
Betty Jo Burnet SmithToday at 1:50 PMManagers of William Henry Jackson,
I am contacting you about this profile: https://www.geni.com/people/William-Jackson/6000000052488483415
I am confused about the parents and siblings listed here, Two sets of parents and siblings other than Wilda Sue, Sara Mae, and Mary Ann.
Sincerely,Betty Jo Burnet Smith
Jeff, Geni Curator Gary, I've undone the merge.