Truck loads of emails wanting me to or them permissions to take care of names on profiles of trees I have never heard of

I have been sent 3-6 emails daily by a sole individual and sent by Many individuals daily for at least 3months by people who want me to edit a particular profile or want me to ok them to do it, they say I am a manager of the profile, which I am not.  My apologies to these people I haven't the ability.   Apparently I have been added to profiles as a manager of people I have never heard of and I mean a LOT of people.  After finally getting logged in, Apparently I'm not the only person having trouble, and not to unhappy about not merging at this time with the special discount offered,  but lets just wait a bit longer OK.  besides the last time I looked at my tree it was pretty much dismantled along with the dates who knows where my photos went, I was just really sad about it. A lot of WORK and hours went into it. I was going to use it to give to each of my grandkids. I even met some shirttails cousins on here which was really nice to be able to exchange info with.   Hope the bugs go away.     Thank You for your help.  


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