Problems with genders when translating into Latvian
The issue at hand pertains to the lack of gender neutrality in certain English phrases when translated into Latvian. In English, terms such as "Mother-in-law" and "Mother’s Ex-Spouse" are gender neutral, but this is not the case in Latvian. In Latvian, there are different translations for these phrases based on gender. However, current options do not allow for the selection of profile gender, leading to a significant problem. For instance, in Latvian, "Mother-in-law" can be translated as "vīramāte" if someone is married to a man, or "sievasmāte" if someone is married to a woman. The same issue applies to other phrases such as "Partner," "Spouse," "Father-in-law," and others. This lack of gender options poses a considerable challenge in accurately conveying these relationships in Latvian.