My father has a very large family and some names are used over and over again. My father's brother (Gert Pieter Johannes) was named after his paternal grand-father who was one of 12 children. My dad's grandfather and grandmother had 7 sons and 1 daughter. My grandfather (2nd son) was named after their mother's father and the next brother (Gert Pieter Johannes) was named after the father. I have checked most of the 7 brother's children and most of them has/has a Gert Pieter Johannes and ALL OF THEM HAVE THE SAME SURNAME.
A distant cousin confused his Gert Pieter Johannes with my father:s brother and added ALL of his family onto my tree IN THE WRONG PLACE - I have tried to delete them from my uncle's profile so that I can add his wife and children but I keep on getting warnings that if I delete them they will be deleted from a duplicate profile as well.
How do I correct it? I have requested the cousin to correct the info and sent him my proof that he has added his family incorrectlt but no response! HELP PLEASE!!!