In late 1945 my mother at the time was living with her brother and wife. My mother was single so was the man she had a one night stand with. I was conceived that night. In January 1946 my mother married warren calvin shelton who had returned from world war 2 just a few weeks before. once they were married she did not tell him she was pregnant with me so once I was born september 25 1946 he thought he was the father until about 9 years later her found out he was not my father. in 2019 I did the dna test from because I was curious sure enough my biological father was that man my mother had slept with in december of 1945. ok when my birth certificate was made it was Larry Morris Shelton my shelton fathers surname but to be honest I'm not a true Shelton I'm a medlin surname after my biological father Henry Lewis Medlin. so now when I enter my information into the geni website all kinds of inconsistencies come up. It drives me crazy trying to geni software to understand who I am. my real father is henry lewis medlin but my adopted fathers last name is Shelton. my mother took all that information with her to the grave. how do i list myself. geni's computers short out because they confuse it so terribly bad.
1 comment
Geni Support Team Hi Larry, you can add both your biological father and adoptive father to the tree. Please see our FAQ on how to add adoptive/foster parent to the tree
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