Please unmerge

Hi. Someone has merged the profile Jose Anselmo Garcia on my tree with a tree without providing a verifiable source. When I looked up the profile in geneanet.org of the person it was merged into (Jose Garcia Olivares born in Valladolid, Spain) found here https://gw.geneanet.org/tomasg?lang=es&pz=elisa&nz=aagaard+garcia&ocz=0&p=joseph&n=garcia+olivares&oc=70 it shows contradictory information.

The merge also included a brother of Jose Anselmo Garcia, Manuel Garcia Olivares, whose geneanet profile also proves contradictory information https://gw.geneanet.org/tomasg?lang=es&pz=elisa&nz=aagaard+garcia&ocz=0&p=manuel&n=garcia+olivares&oc=2010

Can you please unmerge? Thanks

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