My father died December 2018. He lived in Skidby East Yorkshire. He is still on this site as well and living with his wife Riitta. When is someone going to update it. Riitta could well have passed on from Covid as she isn't around any longer. What a shame :-)
ing Jeroen M.W. van Dijk I hope that his wife Riitta is still alive.
She is a PRO member.
I do not have the rights to update the profile. But I have reported the profile as based on a person that is not alive.
Geni Support Team Hi Quentin, we apologize for not seeing your report sooner. Your father's account had been claimed with his email address, which is why you were not able to edit the profile. We have now unclaimed the account so that you may update it to reflect his passing.
Please note that relatives who have claimed their accounts may be reported via the Actions button on their profile page. Once our customer service team reviews the report, we can assist with unclaiming the account. See our FAQ for details: