The FAQ (Oct 2012) explains parsing of location names but doesn't explain how to "correct" inaccuracies. The city of Toronto, Ontario, Canada is over 150 years old and has never, ever been known as Toronto, Toronto Division, Ontario, Canada. (There are many more too.)
Job Waterreus The list you can choose from is based on Google data and Google does not have historical data. Curators can edit the list by hand, but there are too many locations so that is not practical.
You can manually adjust the fields of a location however.
Rhonda B COHEN The "proper" writing of Toronto, as shown, is not "historical" if you are referring to points in time. Or, are you referring to date of entry into Family Search?
Understandably, there are many places in the world that have changed. Those are a separate issue!
I tried to revise but was not able to do so. Both in attempting to volunteer to "Help fix place-names. Even a few minutes will make a difference." and when trying to edit a person's record.
Job Waterreus I'm not sure I'm understanding your problem.
Could you give a link to a Geni profile where you have a problem with editing the location field (please also specify on which location field you have this problem)
Please give a link to a public profile otherwise I won't be able to see the problem
Rhonda B COHEN I selected <> then in Edit Profile, went to change Place of Birth. None of the options (there are more) are correct. If I continue to type "Toronto, Ontario, Canada", it doesn't accept it.
Job Waterreus Yes only a curator can change that list, so you have to choose the best on from the list (probably Toronto, Toronto, ON, Canada and then edit the fields by hand using the Show and Edit Location Details (sorry I cannot access that profile to edit the fields, this is a private profile (please go up in the tree to find a public profile with this issue)
Job Waterreus The second Toronto is the County entry, so may be that could stay blank?
Rhonda B COHEN Okay, these two are public
<> I manually changed his death place. Saved.
Then went to his wife's record <> and in death place typed "Toronto, Ont...." expecting drop down to show the option of Toronto, Ontario, Canada. It didn't. Am I to conclude that every occurrence would need manual changing?
This may be a more trivial example. Other place names I've found on records are much worse. Wrong state/province being most common. That affects searching for more details in other places.
Job Waterreus Yes, you would need to change each occurrence or get a curator to change the entry in the list. That can get a bit complicated, because the list will show only a very few entries and changing one may make it very difficult to find another location with the same starting letters.
You can look at the list of curators ( and see if you can find any that work on your part of the world and ask them for help.