Possibility to export all forefathers spite of amount persons you have added


In geni you can only export four times so many GEDCOM profiles as you have added yourself. This can be very difficult to many members. 

Even as a PRO member the situation is not better. 

For instance I do not have possibility to add many more ancestors because my ancestors have been examined so well already long time ago. 

But it is extremely frustrating that  I should write all my ancestors again. It is simply stupid. 

I belong to old priest and noble families that come again and again to my family tree many many times. 

I suggest that geni changes quickly system so that people are able export their family trees in spite of the amount of profiles they have themselves added. Just now there is no sense to buy Pro-membership. 

This change would be very easy to perform. 

You figure it out what is suitable price for this service/option. 

waiting your quick answer 

Mikko Snellman 









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