How To: Customize Your Tree Display

Geni offers the best family tree experience anywhere. Part of what makes it so great is it’s customizability. Here’s a simple walkthrough on how to make your tree display the way that works for you:


mceclip0.pngBy default, Geni displays your tree in a vertical view that allows complex relationships like aunts, uncles, and cousins to be displayed. By pressing the button illustrated above, you can switch the display to show a simplified five generation horizontal representation of the tree.

Here is an example of a horizontal display.


You can further customize the display by clicking the gear icon at the left of the screen.


Under "Generations to Display" column, can change the number of generations up and down to display. Also, you can toggle on and off displaying only direct ancestors. 


The "Customize" tab can be used to adjust the font size and colors in the tree:



Preview of large fonts and the Mahogany color scheme.




Choosing the Custom color scheme allows you to select from a wide range of color palettes for male nodes, female nodes, unknown-gender nodes, and the background.


Updated: February 2, 2021


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