How can I update birth order?

You can update the birth order in the tree view OR from the profile page

In the Tree View:

Click on the edit icon on the node/box of the person you want to update OR click on 'Edit' in the side panel.

Edit - node.png OREdit - side panel.png

In the “Basics” tab, click the “Change Birth Order” link.

1 change birth order.png

You can manually enter the correct birth order in the boxes OR you can drag and drop the siblings' into the correct order, click and hold the grey “Handle” (2a Grey Handle.png), and then drag it into the correct position.

2 enter birth order.png

When you’re finished, click the “Save Birth Order” button.


From the Profile Page:

Click "Edit Profile" on the profile page you want to update.

edit profile - profile page.png

In the “Basics” tab, click the “Change Birth Order” link.

change birth order - profile page.png

You can manually enter the correct birth order in the boxes OR you can drag and drop the siblings' into the correct order, click and hold the grey “Handle” (2a Grey Handle.png), and then drag it into the correct position.

Enter birth order - profile page.png

When you’re finished, click the “Save Birth Order” button.


Updated: October 11, 2023

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