How To: Add Sourced Facts to Profiles

So, now that you've made your documents useful, you can add facts and sources to your profiles. First, go to the profile you'd like to work on. Go to the Sources tab, and then click on "Add Source."


You may choose from a list of documents already uploaded or click “Add A New Document” to upload it to Geni. (Note that by default you will only be shown documents to which this profile has already been tagged. To show all documents you’ve uploaded, click the checkbox labeled “Show all documents.”)
Or you can tag profiles directly on the document page and click “facts” below the profile name to begin citing facts the document supports for each person.


You can also add sources from the family tree interface. Just click or tap on a node in the tree to open the side panel. Next, click “More” and select “Add sources” to quickly add sources as you build.



Enter Data as it Appears in the Document

When adding a source, you will notice that there are two tabs, “Basic Information” and “Relationships.” In the “Basic Information” tab, you may check the box for every profile fact the document supports. For each fact, you have the option to enter the data as it is provided in the document along with a note for that specific fact. 


Add Sources for Relationships

On the “Relationships” tab, you can add supporting documentation for immediate family relationships. Relationship facts can include parental relationships, marriage date and location, divorce data and location, and relationship status. To begin, choose a relationship you would like to cite.


Next check the boxes next to the relationships and facts the document supports. If the document supports another relationship to the profile, you can use the banner below the Relationships tab to navigate to the next relationship or click “View All Relationships” to return to the list of relationships for the profile. (Note: adding sources to relationships will also automatically tag those profiles to the document.)


Add Missing Immediate Family 

You may also add missing immediate family members to the tree. If the document contains a child or a parent that is not yet in the tree, you can quickly add them from the sources interface. Just click “Add it now” to add a new child or partner. (Note: one parent must already exist in the tree in order to add their missing partner.)


Next enter the first and last name of the new profile, their living status, and gender and click “Add Profile.”


Click "Save," and you're done. It's that simple.

The information is displayed on the Sources tab to easily see what profile facts are supported by each document. Beneath each fact type you will see the data as it appears on the profile in italicized parentheses. Any manually entered data and notes will appear to the right under “Source Information.” You have the ability to individually edit or delete each fact cited in the document. Just click “Edit” to make an update to a fact or “Delete” to remove the source.


You may select “View Facts” to see sources grouped by which fact they support. 


The data as it appears on the profile will be displayed in italicized parentheses in the heading for each fact type. Each source entry will display the value in the document, a link to the document, and any notes that may have been added.



Sourcing your profiles makes the Geni experience better for everyone, and it helps avoid mistaken merges. When you source your content, you'll be preventing headaches in the long run. 


Updated: May 31, 2023

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