How do I add multilingual names and biographies to a profile?

As the home of the World Family Tree, Geni enables people of all nationalities and cultures to work together to discover their shared ancestry. Multilingual profiles enables users to enter and view the names and biographies of their relatives' profiles separately in multiple languages, without combining them into the same fields. Our global community can now view the profiles in the trees with ease in their preferred language. 

Multilingual Names

To add a profile's name in multiple languages, navigate to the profile page and click "Edit Profile." Click the "Add Language..." button to add a name in a different language.


Choose a language you wish to add from the list displayed. Once chosen, you will be able to add the name in that language and Save.


Note: English is the default language for names. When you edit a name in a new language, it will show you how it has been entered, in your language or English, below each field so you can quickly translate it. If a name has not yet been entered in your language or English, it will show you the name in the first available language. 


Now when you view the profile, you will see the name of the profile displayed in your chosen language and, if available, names in other languages listed below in a smaller font. For example, if you are using Geni in German, the profile will look something like this:


Tip: Names that are the same in English as in the profile’s native tongue, such as Pierre in French (same as Pierre in English) or Hans in German (same as Hans in English), should be entered as the English (default) name.  There is no need to enter these identical names on multiple language tabs.

Multilingual biographies

A profile's About section may also be added in multiple languages. To add a biography in another language, click "Edit" and choose the language you wish to add. Enter your new text and click 'Save.'


If a profile has a biography in multiple languages, you will see a language selector to the right of the About heading. Simply select the language in which to view the biography.


Now you can view your profiles with ease in your preferred language. 

For more details about Multilingual Profiles, please read our blog post.

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