How can I add a Document?

There are multiple ways to add documents to Geni. At the top of the page, click "Research" and select "Documents" to view the Documents Page. Here you can find all the documents you have uploaded to Geni. 


To add a new document, click the "Add Documents" button to begin the uploading process.


You may also upload documents directly from a profile by selecting the 'Media' tab on that Profile page and click "Add Documents". This will automatically tag the person to the document you uploaded.


Select the document you would like to upload from your computer and then click the "Upload Documents" button. Supported file formats include PDF, .jpg, .png, and .tiff, with full support for multiple page documents. You may also capture a webpage as a document or create a new text document.

Add a new document.png

Note: Because documents are often associated with historical (public) profiles, documents are publicly viewable by default. If you upload a document for a close relative, you can make it private so that only your family can view it.


Updated: July 19, 2023

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