What are the reasons for reporting a profile, image / document, project, etc?

If another user has created content on Geni that you feel needs to be brought to the attention of our Customer Service team, you may report the item (usually done on the Actions pull-down menu).  The reasons you can choose are:

Inappropriate Content - offensive or abusive language

Spam - using Geni to advertise unrelated products or services

Fake Profile (profiles only) - fictional characters, etc.

Deceased (profiles only) - inform us when a Geni users passes on

Claimed Historical Profile (profiles only) - for users who join the site as George Washington, Charlemagne, King Henry, etc.

Privacy (profiles only) - inform us when you feel a profile violates a person's privacy

Vandalism (profiles only) - inform us of users who are defacing the work of others

Abandoned Project (projects only) - projects that have no active users

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