How do I link Family Tree DNA test results to my profile?

Once you've received your test results from Family Tree DNA, you may link them to your Geni profile.

1. Click on the DNA tab on your profile page.


2. Click the link labeled, “transfer your DNA results” as seen below: 


3. You will then be asked to log in to your Family Tree DNA account to connect it to your Geni profile.

FTDNA partners app not connected.png

4. Click the checkbox to accept the Terms of Service and Privacy Policy, and then confirm Family Tree DNA’s access to your Geni account by clicking ‘Authorize’:


5. Once you have authorized the application, your Family Tree DNA account will show that it is connected.

FTDNA partners app connected.png


After linking your accounts, your DNA test results will be automatically uploaded to your Geni profile and appear on the DNA tab (this is usually completed within a few minutes).



If you already have your DNA results on your profile, but need to update your DNA results (new haplogroup or new test results), please see the instructions here: "How do I update my Family Tree DNA test results on my profile?


 Updated: December 19, 2023

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