Is there a limit to what I can import into Geni with a GEDCOM?

Yes. Geni previously disabled the GEDCOM import feature because it allowed an influx of duplicate historical profiles; we've already got Charlemagne! The new importer (released February 2019) attempts to avoid these problems by imposing a few restrictions:

1. The "focus profile" on which the GEDCOM import starts must be for someone born after 1800 (preferably yourself).

2. Initially, only the first five generations of ancestors will be imported, plus their siblings. The system will then look for matches to existing Geni profiles. The import will automatically continue on branches that do not match existing profiles on Geni. If branches are found that appear to match what's already on Geni, you must either reject or confirm (merge) those matches before the import will continue (see "How do I handle matches during my GEDCOM import?" for details). Once merged, the importer will not continue over existing parents, spouses, children, etc.

3. The importer will not continue on branches that go back to persons born in 1600 or before.


For detailed instructions on how to import your GEDCOM into Geni, see "Can I Import a GEDCOM into Geni?"

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