In addition to the standard data fields provided by Geni, users can define their own labels and values to display on a profile. These labels and values are displayed on the profile page in the main information section next to the profile photo. Because these are displayed prominently on the profile, we ask that our users be selective about what information is placed here.
Although these labels are not aggregated across multiple profiles at this time, users will find it easier to work with each other if we can agree upon a few standard labels. Below are some suggested label names and their use:
- DVN - De Villiers numbers (DVN)
- Tribe or Clan - Tribal / clan affiliation
- House - Royal house affiliation
- Service No - military service ID
To add a custom profile field, first open the edit page for the profile. At the bottom of the 'edit basics' section, click "Add more information."
In the "Label" field, enter the name of the field you would like to add.
Next, enter the value of the field in "Field Value."
After saving your changes, you will now see the new field in the main information section of the profile page.