It's not possible to add the source information with a screenshot, an error message appears:
We did not recognize the type of document you are trying to upload.
It's not possible to add the source information with a screenshot, an error message appears:
We did not recognize the type of document you are trying to upload.
Yes, it is possible. Which format / file extension did you use? (it may help to give a link to the problem profile)
This is problem with all profile what I try. It was working OK still yesterday, but now when I try to add the source information with a screenshot, just same way than yesterday, it's giving this error message: We did not recongnize the type of document you are trying to upload.
This is last profile where it was working Ok.
Did you try to add the webpage(s) or did you do a download of a picture from them and tried to add that to the profile?
Sorry for my bad english. I try to add the webpage by tool nro 2 what is "add the source information with a screenshot"; (1st is "from own computer, and 3rd is "create a new document".)
And like I said; it was working OK yesterday, I do now excatly sameway, but now it is giving this error message.
Thanks for the clarification. That could be a temporary problem with the site you want to use or with Geni. Does it still work for other sites?
There is a limit to the amount of available storage of 1GB on Geni if you are a basic user, could it be you have reached that limit?
Could it be a change or your computer? (like an update for your browser, an add-on or anti-virus)
Probably you should try again tomorrow
Olen käyttänyt useita sivustoja, ei vain yhtä tämän ongelman ratkaisemiseksi. Sama ongelma on kaikilla sivustoilla; Se ei toimi millään sivustolla.
Olen PRO-käyttäjä, joten tämä raja ei tee tätä ongelmaa, eikö niin?
Olen myös kokeillut 2 erilaista tietokonetta ja 2 erilaista selainta tämän ongelman ratkaisemiseksi; Ei apua, sama ongelma kohtaa minut.
Sorry, I can't help you further. Hopefully Geni staff will respond to your message.
I've made a support call for the problem
Kiitos avustanne.
Seems to be solved for me, but no feedback from Geni yet.
Yes, most of time it's working now ok. But some problem I still find out: after longtime working, screenshot bring only blanco page. This problem seems to be solved if I empty browser history.
Hi all, yes this should be working now. We apologize for the inconvenience.
Please let us know if you continue to have any issues.