Is it possible to get an "Immigration" check box under citations?
This is a major life event.
Mathew Englander I agree. It would be useful to have a field for "date of immigration" (i.e. when the individual landed in the new country to stay) and separately, "date of naturalization". Also in principle there could be multiple instances of this because someone might immigrate to one country, and later immigrate to a different country.
Job Waterreus You can add extra fields to Geni, see How do I add additional profile fields?
Robert Melusky I am a novice, but adding fields and adding a source citation seem to be different. One can put "immigration" into a timeline and add a document, but that document can't be sourced, as an immigration event, as it stands.
Naturalization is another good suggestion. That is a multi-step process with an application and then a later approval and ceremony. These are major family events ad a change in legal stats akin to a marriage. They frequently need to be cited for other events, like marriage and birth dates if original documents have not been found or they have been destroyed. -
Ethan David Whitted I agree this would be a nice thing to be able to create citations for when using the Add a New Source menu.