I can see from "similar posts" that many of us are having the same problem (and I've already reported this myself at least once): that when we are descended multiple times from the same lines, which is very common with the aristocracy, Geni often does not give the closest cousin relationship.
In this case I was told that Jill Marie Jiordano (https://www.geni.com/people/Jill-Jiordano/6000000011427074147?through=6000000008674060565) is my "20th cousin twice removed," the connection given being that I am descended from Maud FitzJohn, Countess of Warwick (https://www.geni.com/people/Maud-FitzJohn-Countess-of-Warwick/6000000006322772024?through=6000000011427074147) and Jill Marie Jiordano is descended from her sister Aveline Fitzjohn, of Ulster.
This is true, but I am also descended from Aveline, which makes Jill Marie Jiordano and I both 20th AND 19th cousins.
In this day and age one would think the technology would be available to list ALL cousin relationships when seeking them, and accurately. I guess we're just not there yet, or is Geni's software simply second rate?